Rocky Mudaliar


La historia de Michael Bisping
Después de una tumultuosa carrera de una década llena de lesiones y oportunidades perdidas, Michael Bisping, de 38 años, de peso mediano de la UFC, finalmente obtuvo su merecido, y planea salir a batear.
Recluso nº 1: la redención de Danny Trejo
Con 71 años de preparación, esta experiencia documental revela el extraordinario viaje de la vida del héroe más improbable de Hollywood, Danny Trejo.
Making Coco: The Grant Fuhr Story
Executive Producer
Grant Fuhr was the first black superstar in hockey. He won 403 regular season NHL games and is a member of the 2003 class of the Hockey Hall of Fame. Making Coco is the story of Fuhr's life, on and off the ice.
Soul on Ice: Past, Present and Future
Executive Producer
Soul On Ice: Past, Present, and Future is a film that presents and retells the unknown contributions of black athletes in ice hockey. For untold decades, hockey was seen as a homogeneous sport, exciting to watch but played by one kind of player. But people deserve to now know of the exploits of athletes who dared to stand out, and dared to make the sport their own. These Black athletes dared to give their sport soul.
Direct to Dolph: An American Dream
Chronicles Dolph's life and his rise to becoming a treasured action star.