Monique Bredow


A Wonderful Time of the Year
Special Effects
The Marsh family's getting together for their first Christmas Eve after three years of pandemic lockdown.
Zerrissen - Zwischen zwei Müttern
Makeup Artist
It happened twelve years ago: During a trip to the beach, 3-year-old Michelle Minrath disappeared without a trace. After an intensive search it was assumed that she drowned in the sea. But her mother Stefanie always firmly believed in finding her again. Her husband Torben advises her to get help, as her mania destroys the small family that still exists with the other daughter, Angelina. While working in the supermarket, Stefanie notices a girl in whom she thinks she recognizes her grown up daughter. She secretly follows her. When the police are called in, it finally turns out that it is actually Michelle who was kidnapped by her current mother, Ruth, who now offers her a well-protected home. A world collapses not only for the daughter, who suddenly no longer knows where she belongs, but also for two families at the same time a lot changes and an emotional roller coaster ride begins with an uncertain outcome.
Brimstone. La hija del predicador
Makeup Artist
Liz lleva una vida tranquila, pero cuando escuche el primer sermón del nuevo reverendo, la joven madre comprenderá que su paz ha terminado y que su pasado la ha alcanzado de nuevo. Comienza así un peregrinaje épico, lleno de sangre y sufrimiento. Dakota Fanning, Guy Pearce y Kit Harington (aka Jon Snow) protagonizan este American Gothic, en cuatro actos y con el mal pisando los talones.