In this satirical docu-fiction hybrid, actor-filmmaker Peter Vack (Assholes) decides to re-identify as female to maintain relevance in the art and entertainment world. This horrifies Peter’s sister (writer-director Betsey Brown) and makes her spiral deep into a mania of sibling rivalry as she desperately searches for her own artistic voice. A provocative cautionary tale of white cis male fragility and the lengths some will go to keep their seat at the table.
En 1920, un grupo de trabajadoras de una factoría lucharon por mejorar la seguridad de su entorno laboral tras descubrir que varios compañeros de trabajo se habían enfermado por una exposición de radio.
A psychological portrait of four women, whose lives are bound together by an incident on the New York City subway.
A gorgeous and frequently emotional rumination on the “big things” in life, James Gallagher’s new short film, Love, poses questions on what we love, why we love it, and what happens when the desire to win becomes detrimental to our experience of ourselves and other people. While that description seems preachy, the film is not didactic—on the contrary, its plot is extremely loose and impressionistic, requiring the viewer some effort to construct its fast-moving snippets into a coherent narrative.
New York City present day. Anna is a 21-year old dance major in college. She takes the train home after a day of dance class and babysitting. She falls asleep on the train and wakes up to a man holding her hands. He whispers something to her she does not want to hear. The film follows Anna for the next two days. She tries to go about her life but grapples with the haunting memory of the stranger from the train. The city acts as the cacophonous landscape in which Anna develops a new perspective, one where she finds herself both suffocated and free.