Sátira de la situación multiracial de América. Se entremezclan secuencias con actores y de animación, siguiendo la historia del Hermano Conejo, Hermano Oso y Preacher Fox, que deben escalar puestos en el organigrama criminal de Harlen, enfrentándose por el camino con un policía racista e incluso la mafia.
A group of six thieves selected from different areas are sent a letter that promises them a minimum of $50,000 and includes a plane ticket. The letter instructs them to grow a beard. After being given a blindfolded ride from the airport, they arrive at a ghost town and meet with the boss (Number #1, Jan Murray). All of the "Wolves" are assigned a number, wear identical overalls and instructed never to take off the gloves that they are given. They are only to address eachother by their numbers; in that way, if one is caught, he can't rat-out the others. Number #1 reveals to them that they will take over a town, and clean it out. Using the ghost town for training, they develop their tactics to fleece the town.
A frontier huckster, Colonel Ryder, and a young orphan, Davey, operate a travelling tent show. They are loaned an elephant by an old friend, Molly, who is also a rival circus owner. Davey trains the elephant and the two soon become inseparable. When the Colonel loses the elephant in gambling, Davey steals the elephant and begins a 20-mile search for Molly, the rightful owner.
Comedia musical en la que un hombre puede comunicarse con los animales. Aunque fue candidata al Oscar a la mejor película, apenas tuvo éxito en taquilla. Eddie Murphy hizo un remake años después.
El teniente Brian Fleming se ofrece voluntario para llevar a cabo un plan de la marina británica. Será acusado de una grave ofensa y expulsado de la marina. Así podrá infiltrase en las filas del pirata Diego Suárez. Una vez en su fortaleza, se dedicará a recopilar valiosa información. (FILMAFFINITY)