Jaouen Gouevic

Jaouen Gouevic


Jaouen Gouevic


I Love Eva Marsh
Summer 1996. A small town nestled in the shadow of a gigantic factory. Ben, a shy eleven year old boy, lives there alone with his mom when she leaves him to strike. The coming of the troubling Eva in his bunch disturbs him a little bit more, especially when she mentions the legend of a mysterious creature hidden under a nearby lake's pontoon. As a game, Eva challenges Ben: walk through the "pontoon of the death", and come back. But Ben fails miserably. At night, the Creature appears to him.
Rosalie Blum
Vincent Machot enfant
La vida del treintañero Vicente Machot transcurre entre su peluquería, su primo, su gato y su dominante madre. Un día, Vicente conoce por azar a Rosalie Blum, una misteriosa y solitaria mujer, y está convencido de sufrir un déja-vu, de que ya se ha encontrado con ella alguna vez. Intrigado, decide seguirla a todas partes, con la esperanza de saber más de ella. No sospecha que esto le llevará a una aventura llena de sorpresas, donde descubrirá personajes tan fantásticos como entrañables.
Jacky in the Kingdom of Women
The film is set in a world, the Popular Democratic Republic of Bubunne, in which women hold the power and men are forced to wear veils and stay at home.