Durante una fiesta a la que Elena va con sus amigos, un psicópata enmascarado asesina a los invitados. Elena es la única superviviente, pero antes de que pueda escapar, la encierran en un baúl que es transportado a un lugar desconocido. Afortunadamente para ella, hay un hombre que sabe exactamente donde está. Secuela de "El coleccionista" (2009).
Best Boy Electric
Shut out, left alone… which way will Emily turn? This drama gets to the heart of difficulties that many post-modern teens are dealing with today: Peer pressure, cutting, suicide, divorced parents. In this story, we meet Emily, a girl struggling with the pain of her parents’ failed marriage and the dark temptations of a new friend. This is an authentic, hard-hitting and ultimately compassionate story about the forces that tear at today’s families. The intense emotion of Emily’s journey will motivate discussion on a wide range of issues relevant to today’s teens and parents.