Alekos Oudinotis

Alekos Oudinotis


Alekos Oudinotis


Athens Blues
A group of men in their sixties that spend the August nights in Athens outside a pharmacy during night shift, an ambulance driver who has an affair with a younger girl, a middle-aged couple who have invented a lie to renew their passion for one another, a child pretending to sleepwalk in the streets of Athens, two younger people who are tied together in an office after a burglar attack, and other amorous encounters during the same night.
La eternidad y un día
Anna's Father
Cuando a Alexander, un escritor griego, le quedan pocos días de vida, necesita resolver un dilema: morir como alguien ajeno a los demás o aprender a amarlos y a comprometerse con ellos. Elegida la segunda vía, lee las cartas de Anna, su esposa fallecida, y cierra su casa en la playa. Un día lluvioso, encuentra a alguien que le ofrece la oportunidad de cumplir su compromiso: un niño albanés al que ayuda a pasar la frontera mientras le cuenta la historia de un poeta griego que vivió en Italia y que, al regresar a Grecia, compraba las palabras olvidadas para escribir poemas en su lengua natal. Entonces el niño juega a buscar palabras para vendérselas.
The Man in Grey
Leonidas, a family man retires from the public sector. He goes on vacation alone, as usually. There he meets the wife of a friend of his, who lives in Switzerland. They become emotionally involved, but Christina goes back to her husband. He follows her, but soon decides to come back to Athens. Christina after a while comes to Athens, seeking their reunion. While Leonidas initially clashes with his family for her, in the end he compromises and decides that the dream is not for him.
La mirada de Ulises
Greek Film Library Manager
Un cineasta griego, exiliado en los Estados Unidos, regresa a su ciudad natal para emprender un apasionante viaje. De Albania a Macedonia, de Bucarest a Constanza (Rumanía), a través del Danubio hasta Belgrado y por fin a Sarajevo. En su camino se cruza con su propia historia, con el pasado de los Balcanes, con las mujeres que podría amar. Espera recobrar con estas imágenes olvidadas la inocencia de la primera mirada.
Quiet Days in August
The stories of three lonely people surviving a sweltering summertime in Athens are interwoven in this gentle romantic drama. Nikos used to be a merchant seaman, traveling around the globe to exotic places and testing his wits and his mettle in different situations. Now he is retired, living in Athens with his wife whom he no longer loves. While at the train station, he encounters a woman who faints more or less into his arms. From her, he learns that this day has already been special to her for two reasons: her husband just died, and it is her birthday. Curiously, this meeting sparks new life in him. Another man suffering through the hot Athens summer is a bank employee who gets calls every day at four p.m. from a woman who seeks to arouse him. What she succeeds in doing is rousing his curiosity, which he is likely to regret giving in to.
Anna's Engagement
Kostis Efstathiou
A lower-class maid navigates the social world of the upper-crust family she works for.
Ώρες αγάπης, ώρες πολέμου
Τρικυμία μιας καρδιάς
Paul Cohran
Ποτέ δεν είναι αργά