Cuando a Alexander, un escritor griego, le quedan pocos días de vida, necesita resolver un dilema: morir como alguien ajeno a los demás o aprender a amarlos y a comprometerse con ellos. Elegida la segunda vía, lee las cartas de Anna, su esposa fallecida, y cierra su casa en la playa. Un día lluvioso, encuentra a alguien que le ofrece la oportunidad de cumplir su compromiso: un niño albanés al que ayuda a pasar la frontera mientras le cuenta la historia de un poeta griego que vivió en Italia y que, al regresar a Grecia, compraba las palabras olvidadas para escribir poemas en su lengua natal. Entonces el niño juega a buscar palabras para vendérselas.
Un cineasta griego, exiliado en los Estados Unidos, regresa a su ciudad natal para emprender un apasionante viaje. De Albania a Macedonia, de Bucarest a Constanza (Rumanía), a través del Danubio hasta Belgrado y por fin a Sarajevo. En su camino se cruza con su propia historia, con el pasado de los Balcanes, con las mujeres que podría amar. Espera recobrar con estas imágenes olvidadas la inocencia de la primera mirada.
Something changes in the relationship of Achilleas and Anna when she starts to dream vividly and insists on relating her dreams to her husband. He is a barrister in the middle of an important murder trial and his temper becomes frayed with Anna's seeming indifference and involvement and preoccupation with her dream world.
An actor's troupe puts up a variety show.
Key Grip
The Adamastos family consists of the father, Major Adamastos, the mother, Captain Eugenia and their daughter, Soldier Vicky. The father defies women in the army while the daughter falls in love with a second lieutenant justifying her father's opinion, but the mother manages to highlight the all-female Company's work.
In a poor neighborhood of Athens, Andreas and Eftyhis are struggling to eke out a living. Making the most of the adventurism inspired in them by the post-war era and trying to make a life for themselves against the backdrop of the post-dictatorship conservative regime, the two heroes gradually lose their political conciousness and social identity and are led to ruin.
During a hunting party on New Year's Eve 1976, five representatives of the bourgeoisie encounter with their companion the body of a partisan from the Civil War of the late forties. What they are most confused about is the fact that the corpse that lies at their feet is still bleeding…
A mysterious disappearance takes place during the shooting of a commercial on the beach in the early morning hours. An unknown man suddenly comes into the shot, then walks into the sea holding an umbrella and seizes to exist, before the bewildered eyes of the whole crew. After the police are notified, a confusing array of red tape manoeuvers begins, revealing the close affiliations of the Authorities with the advertising company manager and the whole mechanism of Mass Media, all of which are trying not to investigate the event but to conceal or even exploit it in their own interest. Only the musician involved in that commercial is trying to figure out what really happened.
En un pueblo del norte de Grecia una mujer mata a su marido con la complicidad de su amante. Un pariente de la víctima sospecha de ellos y lo comunica a la policía. Tras ser arrestados, los asesinos confiesan su crimen. El juez ordena la reconstrucción de los hechos.
Thanasis and he will become barber, continuing the tradition of Chatzipapageorgakopoulokonstantinogiannopoulon in traditional shop in the neighborhood, without knowing that the court of the occupation, the German commander, Von Tzifren, has hidden a treasure. Thanasis is in love with Lisa's daughter Charoupoglou, rich neighborhood that made money held. Germany Von Tzifren is released ...
Key Grip
By closing his pharmacy, Panagiotis Panagiotidis falls on a provocative stranger, Lulu, who leads him to a beach for swimming and then drives him home. There, he learns that he is called Jordan Steka, that Lulu is his wife and that he suffers from a personality split. He asks for police assistance, but the policeman is convinced that he is crazy and he asks for a psychiatrist to prove him suffering from a personality split.