The story continues from the Japanese SIGNAL drama series. In 2021, a limousine taxi driver causes an accident on a highway and a high-level government official dies in the accident. The cold case investigation unit, including Kento Saegusa and team leader Misaki Sakurai, have doubts about the case. Meanwhile, in 2009, administrative officers die consecutively in car accidents. The police announce these deaths as accidents. Takeshi Ōyama believes that these deaths were not the product of simple accidents. At 11:23 pm, a walkie-talkie turns on and makes a connection between the future and past. Kento Saegusa and Takeshi Ōyama face the threat of bioterrorism.
Ichijo Raku (Nakajima Kento) es hijo único y estudiante de secundaria. Su padre es el líder del grupo yakuza Shuei-gumi. A Ichijo Raku no le gusta pelear, y estudia mucho: su sueño es convertirse en un funcionario público. Un día conoce a Kirisaki Chitoge (Nakajo Ayami), una nueva estudiante de la escuela. Kirisaki Chitoge es la única hija de un líder de una pandilla rival. Para mantener la paz entre las pandillas rivales lideradas por sus padres, Ichijo Raku y Kirisaki Chitoge deciden actuar como novios.
In this high-octane slugfest, a group of badass female students are forced to battle a gang of criminals. Even with their short skirts and leather boots, the HIGH KICK ANGELS prove to be martial arts masters.