Mike Fash

Nacimiento : 1940-04-29, New Malden, Surrey, England, UK


Custody of the Heart
A househusband (Martin Donovan) serves his wife (Lorraine Bracco) with divorce papers and charges her with being an unfit mother.
Un sueño imposible
Director of Photography
Charlie Gordon es un joven retrasado mental de nacimiento que es sometido a un novedoso experimento médico, gracias al cual se despierta enormemente su inteligencia. Convertido de repente en un genio, el joven pasa de ser objeto de burla en su trabajo a recitar a Shakespeare y leer arameo, pero también Charlie descubrirá un mundo cruel y real del que no se percataba antes: será despedido por ser más inteligente que su jefe, y se enamorará de la profesora que le impartía una educación especial específica para disminuidos psíquicos, aunque ella no le corresponde. (FILMAFFINITY)
Nunca te olvides de mi
Director of Photography
Diane McGowin, una mujer de cuarenta años, cuando se dispone a dejar la oficina sufre un repentino lapsus de memoria. No sabe donde se encuentra y lo olvida todo. Con cierta dificualtad, consigue llegar a su casa donde le espera su familia para celebrar el cumpleaños de su marido. Durante la fiesta sufre un desmayo. Cuando va al médico le diagnostican un alzheimer prematuro. Tras sufrir una depresión profunda y ocultar su enfermedad a los suyos, reacciona, y entra en contacto con otros enfermos en su situación plantando cara a la enfermedad.
Judgment Day: The Ellie Nesler Story
Director of Photography
Fact-based story about a Bible-quoting woman who in 1990 murdered a camp counselor, whom she learned molested her 7 year old son. Seeking revenge, she turns to murder when she learns the man had previously been convicted of the same crime in 1983 and got off with probation.
Double Platinum
The story of a mother driven to reach the heights of superstardom at the cost of abandoning her only child.
Love Letters
Director of Photography
An ambitious U.S. Senator reflects back on his life after the death of a woman whom he loved and kept in contact with only through correspondence.
Visto para sentencia
Director of Photography
Un ambicioso abogado con claras metas políticas trata de convencer inútilmente a su cliente de que se declare inocente del asesinato de tres personas a las que mató por venganza.
Grace & Glorie
When a lonely ex-New Yorker moves into the home of a rural senior to act as a hospice worker, the two initially couldn't seem to be less alike. However, as time passes, the two find much kinship including a lost child. Slowly the two build a bond and learn about life.
After the whole North of the Equator freezes below zero, a group of people in Los Angeles risk their lives while trying to "escape" from the city's hostile conditions, in order to take a ship to a hotter place on Earth.
Tan malo como quieras ser
Director of Photography
Biography of Chicago Bulls' basketball star Dennis Rodman, who is well known for his off-court and on-court shenanigans takes great effort to paint the calm, decent side of the athlete despite the film title. Dennis is shown to be pushed by his momma to play pro ball and to go to college where he would get the opportunity. Shipped to Oklahoma where he faces racism, he is taken in by a white family and coached by Lonn Reisman. The movie finally tracks Rodman into his wild, multi-haired current lifestyle. Written by John Sacksteder
La fuerza de un ángel
Director of Photography
La fuerza de un ángel narra la vida y obra de la Sierva de Dios, Dorothy Day (1897-1980), laica franciscana norteamericana y fundadora del Movimiento del Trabajador Católico que murió después de dedicar su vida a los demás. Esta joven idealista trabajó como periodista y sufragista radical. Su encuentro con la religión, la llevó a trabajar duramente a favor de los necesitados, fundando albergues y comedores con la ayuda de Peter Maurin. Defensora a ultranza de la no violencia, fue encarcelada varias veces por protestar contra la carrera de armas y la guerra de Vietnam.
Danielle Steel: Una cruel bendición
Basada en la novela de Danielle Steel. Cuenta la historia de tres parejas distintas que poco o nada tienen en común, excepto la alegría y el dolor de buscar un hijo que sea el fruto de ese amor y dé sentido a sus vidas. Dos parejas acuden a un especialista en fertilización. El problema es el mismo, pero la causa diferente. En una, es él el problemático; en la otra, es ella.
Danielle Steel: Un amor verdadero
Director of Photography
Rafaela, hija de un prestigioso banquero y esposa adorada de un rico hombre de negocios, era una mujer enamorada. Sin embargo, su felicidad se ve truncada cuando su marido sufre un ataque de apoplejía y queda en silla de ruedas. Sin embargo, cuando la desgracia golpeaba a su puerta, Rafaela conoció a Alex, un hombre joven, apuesto y saludable que la invitó a dejar atrás el pasado y a abandonarse a un destino de felicidad y pasión. A pesar de todo, ella dudaba.
Miss America: Behind the Crown
Director of Photography
Carolyn Sapp, Miss America 1992 (and a non-actress), plays herself in this drama based on her personal story of abuse and betrayal at the hands of the man she loved, Nu'u Fa'aola, a Samoan pro-football player for the New York Jets.
In Sickness and in Health
A husband hires a nurse to care for his wife, who suffers from Multiple Scleroses, but a relationship soon develops between the two.
Director of Photography
Jacob (Christopher Walken), un granjero del medio-oeste, viudo con dos niños pequeños, pone un aviso en un periódico solicitando una esposa que lo ayude a criar a sus hijos. Le responde Sarah (Glenn Close), una mujer soltera del este, que se describe a sí misma como “sencilla y alta”.
Glory!  Glory!
A rock singer revives a failing TV ministry, but the cost may be high when she falls for a reporter planning an exposé.
Las ballenas de agosto
Director of Photography
El paso del tiempo ha consolidado una sincera amistad entre las ancianas Sarah Webbber y Libby Strong, por encima de su condición de hermanas. Una isla de Maine es el lugar donde se han reunido cada verano durante más de sesenta años. Ambas son viudas, pero no olvidan los días en que eran jóvenes y corrían por la playa para ver surgir del mar a las grandes ballenas. Entonces estaban llenas de ilusiones. Ya ancianas, han permanecido unidas por una doble y mutua dependencia. Sin embargo, la ceguera que padece Libby la hace cada vez más antipática e irascible; Sarah, en cambio, conserva una imperturbable serenidad. El señor Maranov, un caballero de origen ruso, y el obrero Joshua Brackett, constiuyen el contrapunto masculino a un mundo de recuerdos y evocaciones de juventud.
Prisioneras de guerra
Director of Photography
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). En 1941, durante la invasión de Filipinas, un grupo de enfermeras del ejército estadounidense fueron capturadas por tropas japonesas y encerradas en un campo de concentración. Durante tres años, estas mujeres lucharon denodadamente por sobrevivir, a pesar de trabajar 14 horas al día, con una pésima y reducida alimentación y sin ninguna atención médica. La coronel Margaret Ann Jessup (Sarandon) reclama a las autoridades militares que concedan al grupo la medalla de bronce al valor. (FILMAFFINITY)
Private Sessions
Director of Photography
A therapist goes outside his office and into his patients' personal lives to help them. He is treating a man who is hearing sounds but apparently there is nothing wrong with him psychologically. And a woman who despite being in a healthy relationship goes around picking up guys and having sex with them. She decides to seek help and what the doctor learns is that the problem goes back to her childhood and her family.
Success Is the Best Revenge
Alex Rodak (Michael York) is a Polish director in exile in London with his family, which includes an older teenage son Adam (Michael Lyndon) who is struggling with an identity crisis, his wife (Joanna Szerzerbic), and another son. Rodak is in the throes of putting together a major show about Poland and the politics of exile at a West End theater. His single-minded determination to succeed causes him to take advantage of others, and because of his need for backing, he turns to a low-life businessman (John Hurt) to bail him out. His wife is anything but happy about his behavior and dislikes this last decision even more. This is an interesting study of how a father and son become alienated in a conflict between cultural identity and its exploitation.
Director of Photography
Based on the true story that shocked the nation and led to vast changes in how law enforcement handled missing children cases...John and Reve Walsh deal with their grief in front of the whole country when their son, Adam, is abducted and later found dead.
Red Monarch
Director of Photography
British comedy satirising Stalin's inner circle as an absolute monarchs court. In the face of rampant abuse of power and poisonous distrust some still manage to keep faith with the Bolshevist creed until the very end. In front of the firing squad a stalwart bolshevist of the first hour exclaims: "Even in the best democracy errors are being made!"
Director of Photography
Pinter's semi-autobiographical play examining the surprise attraction, shy first steps, gradual flowering, and treasonous deception of a woman's extramarital affair with her husband's best friend; the entire story is told from the husband's point of view, with the scenes in precise reverse chronological order. Written by Dan Hartung
Hospital Britannia
Director of Photography
Comedia que trata sobre el personal de un hospital que, atemorizado, se prepara para la visita de nada más y nada menos que la reina de Inglaterra. El centro Britannia Hospital va a inaugurar un nuevo ala en su edificio y la soberana del país decide estar presente ese día. El pánico se extiende por todo el hospital, ante la visión de todo lo que puede ocurrir durante el esperado acontecimiento. La cocinera se niega a preparar el menú del día, los pintores se resisten a terminar su trabajo y los manifestantes que quieren derrocar a un dictador que se encuentra hospitalizado en el centro serán los encargados de crispar los ánimos al máximo nivel. Mick Travis (Malcolm McDowell) es un periodista que comienza un documental sobre un hospital. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Bill es un hombre de 40 años que tiene retraso mental y es residente en una zona marginal de Nueva York. Cuando por un malentendido acaba en la cárcel, es advertido por las autoridades de que al menor incidente volverá al sanatorio en el que estuvo internado años atrás.
The Patricia Neal Story
Director of Photography
The dramatic account of actress Patricia Neal's miraculous recovery from a near-fatal stroke in 1966 with the help of her then-husband, author Roald Dahl, and their close friend, veteran actress Mildred Dunnock.
A Christmas Without Snow
Director of Photography
A divorced woman (Michael Learned) moves to San Francisco from Omaha with her young son. She's trying to re-build her life after her divorce, she leaves her son with his grandmother. She joins the choir of a local church. She has some issues with the choirmaster (John Houseman) who tries to get the choir into shape before the Christmas concert. The choir overcome some personal setbacks as they all deal with personal issues. Zoe (Michael Learned) thinks of quitting the choir all together when push comes to shove.
The Jilting of Granny Weatherall
Granny Weatherall (Geraldine Fitzgerald) is a spunky old lady of eighty who bosses around her doctor and her children. She seems so strong and in control, and yet she has never had the upper hand in her destiny. One morning, a flood of long-forgotten memories bring her to the realization that of all her accomplishments, she cannot console herself for the shame-filled day she was left standing at the alter. Still, her indomitable will to live and act independently infuses the last day of her life. Adapted from the short story by acclaimed writer Katherine Anne Porter ("Ship of Fools"), The Jilting of Granny Weatherall reminds us of the plight of many women who wait for life to claim them, rather than seek life out for themselves.
A Movie Star's Daughter
A shy teen enrolls in a new school and doesn't make friends easily. Then, overnight, everyone wants to be her friend, once it is discovered that her father is a famous movie star.
The One and Only Phyllis Dixey
Director of Photography
Aspiring dancer Phyllis Dixey makes her name as a stripper.
The Naked Civil Servant
Director of Photography
Story of the life of Quentin Crisp, an Englishman who was brave enough to live his life according to his own style even in the hostile days of WW2.
The Sun Is God
A dramatised documentary of the life and work of JMW Turner.
The Hero of My Life
The rise of Charles Dickens, from poverty to prosperity, traced and reflected in his writings.