Philip Casnoff

Philip Casnoff

Nacimiento : 1949-08-03, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


Philip Casnoff is an actor and director.


Philip Casnoff


Robert Francis Garrow was a serial rapist and murderer whose reign of terror paralyzed the North Country between the years of 1960 and 1978. Born in Mineville, New York in 1936, Robert's childhood was an endless cycle of unimaginable horror. Beatings, sexual abuse, bestiality and bloodshed. As an adult, Robert would become a sadomasochist, rapist and serial killer. The exact number of his victims to this day remains uncertain. A knife wielding psychopath that could charm his victims before carving them to death. Robert was clever and cunning. He was able to manipulate the law, fake his own paralysis, escape from prison, and avoid capture for over a decade. —Lori Kelly - Bailey
Robert Francis Garrow was a serial rapist and murderer whose reign of terror paralyzed the North Country between the years of 1960 and 1978. Born in Mineville, New York in 1936, Robert's childhood was an endless cycle of unimaginable horror. Beatings, sexual abuse, bestiality and bloodshed. As an adult, Robert would become a sadomasochist, rapist and serial killer. The exact number of his victims to this day remains uncertain. A knife wielding psychopath that could charm his victims before carving them to death. Robert was clever and cunning. He was able to manipulate the law, fake his own paralysis, escape from prison, and avoid capture for over a decade. —Lori Kelly - Bailey
Los archivos del Pentágono
Chalmers Roberts
En junio de 1971, los principales periódicos de EE.UU., entre los que se encontraban 'The New York Times' y 'The Washington Post', tomaron una valiente posición en favor de la libertad de expresión, informando sobre los documentos del Pentágono y el encubrimiento masivo de secretos por parte del gobierno, que había durado cuatro décadas y cuatro presidencias estadounidenses. En ese momento, Katherine Graham, primera mujer editora del Post, y el director Ben Bradlee intentaban relanzar un periódico en decadencia. Juntos decidieron tomar la audaz decisión de apoyar al 'The New York Times' y luchar contra el intento de la Administración Nixon de restringir la primera enmienda. Historia basada en los documentos del Post que recogían información clasificada sobre la Guerra de Vietnam.
Harvey's Dream
A typical Saturday morning for an unhappily married couple decades into their lives together becomes anything but typical when the husband's neurological decline and uncertain memory may or may not reveal unthinkable tragedy.
Jane Doe: El ojo que te acecha
Lance Saxon
Jane Doe trabaja en el caso de un robo de de arte y ella y Frank ayudan a la investigadora de una compañía de seguros. Frank se enamora de ella aunque cada vez parece más evidente que sea la culpable.
El hombre del presidente 2: la justicia infinita
Jack Stanton
Joshua McCord, veterano de las fuerzas especiales y guardaespaldas del presidente de los Estados Unidos, recibe una importante misión confiada directamente por el presidente: tendrá que preparar a uno de sus hombres para que se infiltre en Afganistan, concretamente en la región de Kandahar, y de allí traer con vida a un dirigente de una conocida organización terrorista. (FILMAFFINITY)
For All Time
Al Glasser
A man facing middle-age and a failing marriage finds a time slip that can take him back to the end of the nineteenth century.
Doble engaño
Mackey, Dustin's Boss
Un ejecutivo de cine de Hollywood es chantajeado por un alguien que utiliza información perjudicial para entrar en su casa y derrumbar su vida perfecta.
The Defenders: Taking the First
John Walker
A racist provokes four teens into beating a Latino youth to death after one of his fiery speeches on a college campus. The Prestons are first called upon to defend one of the youths who gives testimony against the other three. Then, in a turnaround, the family of the murdered boy hires the Prestons to try to get a conviction against the racist.
Cortez, IBI Chief
Ella tiene la visión nocturna de un halcón, puede oler una gota de sangre a una milla de distancia, y es capaz de cambiar su color de piel y su ropa orgánica para mimetizarse con cualquier fondo. Ella es Kam, un clon genéticamente manipulado creado por un grupo de elite de la policía llamado IBI. Cuando un valioso microchip necesita ser recuperado, Kam es elegida para la misión. Pero cuando se encuentra con el recientemente huérfano hijo del creador del microchip decide tener su propia misión: conseguir la seguridad del niño.
Cómo Stella recuperó la marcha
Stella y Delilah son amigas íntimas de toda la vida. Stella está demasiado ocupada construyendo una vida de la que no ha disfrutado gran parte de sus 40 años, y su amiga se ha propuesto que la situación cambie por completo.
Tempting Fate
Richard Davis
A man who is still mourning the death of the woman he loves, meets a man who says he created a machine that can bring anyone to a parallel world. He goes and sees the woman he loves is still alive in that world and wants to stay. But when he discovers that this world has rules that differ from his world, he wants to leave but when he goes back to where the machine is, there's a fire and the machine is destroyed and the man who built it is killed. He later meets a woman from his world who also built a machine of her own but the officials there upon seeing her thinks she's crazy because her counterpart is alive and says she doesn't know her. So he tries to help her so that they can return home.
Little Girls in Pretty Boxes
Greg Radkin
A gymnast moves to a gym where the top coach in the US is and has difficulties adjusting.
Special Report: Journey to Mars
Nick Van Pelt
When the world's first spaceship is close to its goal (Mars), the TV-network GNN begins its live coverage of the last two hours of the mission and then the problems start. The landing-computer malfunctions, the captain Eugene Slader gets very sick and back on Earth it is discovered that big financial corporations have an interest in the failure of the mission - and we, the viewers, can see it all live on television.
Danielle Steel: Zoya
Simon Hirsch
Una joven condesa rusa escapa de la revolución de 1917 y, a pesar de todas las penurias, logra construir una nueva vida en América.
Michael Reddick
After five years in prison for insurance fraud the sailor Lanarsky is released. Together with his buddy Bone he gets a job as seamen on board the yacht owned by the wife of his insurance fraud-partner Michael Reddick. Lanarsky has a question to his former partner who he thinks tried to cheat him. But Michael Reddich himself has another insurance plan ready where he will kill everybody on board the yacht, blow it up and then claim the life-insurance for his wife. But Lanarsky and the wife Lee escape and follow Michael to the nearby Cayman Island where the final showdown takes place.
Jersey Girl
Romántica historia sobre una especie de "cenicienta". Una chica guapa pero poco sofisticada deja New Jersey para ir a New York en busca de un hombre rico y elegante. Casualmente conoce a Sal (Dylan McDermott), que es exactamente el tipo de hombre que buscaba.
Red Wind
Charlie Lapidus
A psychotherapist who specializes in treating people in abusive relationships inadvertently causes a patient to kill her abusive husband.
La batalla de los acorazados
Lt. Guilford
Adaptación televisiva de una novela de James Retter, en la que se reconstruye un episodio apócrifo de la guerra civil norteamericana. La atractiva Virginia Madsen encarna a una espía sudista, envuelta en una intriga con planos de barcos de guerra. El discreto interés de la historia se ve bastante rebajado por una realización convencional hasta el infarto que no evita frecuentes caidas en el tedio.
The Red Spider
Det. Patrick Shaunessy
A cop is found dead in a hotel, brutally murdered, a spider cut into his stomach. The police believes his death might be connected to the fact that he was a dirty cop - the internal affairs commission already was after him - but then several other people are murdered in the very same way, and there seems to be no connection between the cases. The police seeks for a blonde woman among the prostitutes.
Hands of a Stranger
Marty Loftus
A New York cop becomes obsessed with finding his wife's rapist.
The Renegades
In this drama, undercover investigators are recruited from the streets to prevent arms smugglers from getting their weapons to street gangs.
Navidades infernales
Ricardo Bauma
Un aspirante a Papá Noel quiere que todo el mundo crea en las Navidades, aunque tenga que matar para conseguirlo. En opinión del realizador de Pink Flamingos, John Waters, "la mejor película navideña de todos los tiempos". popeye
Campamento de verano
Kavell y Bergman son dos estudiantes universitarios que pasan un verano mas trabajando en el comedor de Camp Oskemo, un campamento de verano de Nueva York en el que ya son camareros veteranos. Tienen que servir comida a niños malcriados , pero lo que mas les interesa es pasar el tiempo con el personal femenino, muy especialmente con las espectaculares Vicki y Evie. Pero, sobre todo, Kavell y Bergman ocupan el tiempo con la disparatada sucesión de novatadas contra los recién llegados gracias a la ayuda del desquiciado Grossman...
Los invasores del espacio
Aaron Solar
Jillucia, un pacifico planeta a dos milones de años luz del sistema solar, ha sido convertido en inexpurgale fortaleza por terribles invasores, los Gavanas. Kaiba, el rey de Jillucia, apela a los dioses mediante las 8 nueces de Niobe, que elegiran a 8 guerreros que salvarán a su pueblo.