Bob Dishy
Nacimiento : 1934-01-12, Brooklyn - New York - USA
Bob Dishy was is an actor.
Grandpa Shapiro
Relata la historia de un joven traficante de droga y un psiquiatra adicto; el adolescente canjea marihuana por sesiones de terapia con el Doctor para luego enamorase de su hija.
Irving Feffer
Reuben Feffer le tiene aversión al riesgo, pero su ordenada y planificada vida se complica cuando, durante su luna de miel, su mujer se interesa por un musculoso instructor cubano de submarinismo. Al mismo tiempo, entra en escena Polly, una amiga suya de la infancia, que lo introduce en los deportes de riesgo, la comida picante y el baile de la salsa. En definitiva, le enseña a vivir despreocupadamente y a disfrutar de cada momento.
Una columnista de la ciudad de Nueva York se enamora, y rápidamente queda embarazada de un artista de espíritu libre que desaparece rápidamente durante ocho meses
Arthur Gold
Judy Berlin is an aspiring actress whose idealism is at odds with her small suburban community, where a solar eclipse induces town inhabitants (a lonely housewife, a frustrated schoolteacher, and a struggling filmmaker) to search for solace and understanding in themselves and one another.
Lou Moskowitz
Sam y Molly llevan 40 años casados, sus hijos ya tienen su propia vida y hogar, y sólo les queda su relación. Pero un día Molly decide criar una carpa en la bañera, lo cual va a poner su ya larga convivencia en jaque.
George Langston
Michael Cromwell, de Nueva York, de repente se entera que tiene un hijo de 13 años que ha sido criado en la selva. Él trae al niño a Nueva York, y allí es donde comienza la diversión.
Dr. Paul Showalter
Un joven se balancea sobre la estrecha cornisa de una valla publicitaria. Está muy lejos del suelo. Es un hombre enmascarado que luce una vistosa capa y esgrime una espada. Afirma ser Don Juan DeMarco, el mejor amante del mundo. Aunque ahora no encuentra sentido a su vida.
Murray the Gravedigger
Antes de fallecer, Johnny (Andrew Lowery) prometió a su novia Missy McCloud (Traci Lind) que la llevaría al baile de fin de curso de su instituto. Para cumplir esto, el muchacho regresa de entre los muertos, aunque se va descomponiendo por momentos y su única solución es alimentarse de carne humana para regenerarse.
At her husband's funeral, Pearl, Jewish mother of two divorced and antagonistic daughters, meets an old Italian friend of her husband, whose advice years previously had stopped the husband leaving home. For 23 years he, now a widower, has secretly loved Pearl...
Murray Seidenbaum
Roy Knable (John Ritter) se pasa el día delante del televisor a pesar de las quejas de Helen (Pam Dawber), su mujer. Un día Roy recibe la extraña visita de Spike (Jeffrey Jones), un hombre que establece un pacto con él: le entrega lo último en antenas parabólicas de TV por satélite; pero, a cambio, Roy le vende su alma al diablo. El resultado es que Roy y Helen se encuentran de repente atrapados dentro del televisor, y serán sus hijos Darryl (David Tom) y Diane (Heather McComb) los que tendrán que rescatarlos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dr. Foster
Pryor es un estafador que, para librarse de la cárcel, finge estar loco. Enviado al ala de psiquiatría de un gran hospital, allí empieza la verdadera "locura", ya que durante un apagón intenta escapar disfrazado de doctor. De alguna manera consigue poner orden en el caos, bien sea llevando a cabo diagnósticos poco ortodoxos, ayudando a nacer a un bebe o utilizando un helicóptero a modo de aire acondicionado. Así, sin querelo, nuestro buen amigo se verá a cargo de la institución.
Brooklyn, 1937. Adaptación de una obra autobiográfica del destacado comediógrafo Neil Simon, que trata sobre dos familias judías que viven bajo el mismo techo. El adolescente Eugene (Silverman) es el narrador de la historia.
Morris Finestein
Ivan Travalian es un reputado autor teatral neoyorquino que se debate entre la redacción de su última obra y sus problemas familiares: su esposa Gloria está a punto de abandonarlo a él y a sus cinco hijos.
Vice-President Shockley
When the First Daughter is kidnapped by an African tribe, the President must do what he can to keep them from sacrificing her.
Jeff and Mari Thompson are contently married, but they are stunned to see many of their friends and neighbors going through separations and divorces. Seemingly surrounded by people with domestic problems, Jeff and Mari begin to question their own relationship.
Various Roles
A writer (made to resemble Russian playwright Anton Chekhov) narrates a collection of his stories, all of which are written in the style of Chekhov.
Dr. Kurtz
El primer autobús nuclear; una monstruosidad de 75 toneladas con 32 ruedas enormes, realiza su viaje inaugural desde Nueva York hasta Denver. Al mando del autobús más grande del mundo está, por supuesto el conductor más grande del mundo. Su co-piloto es propenso a tener desmayos repentinos y tiene especial predilección por conducir cerca del borde del camino. Además, un par de malhechores pretenden destruir el autobús.
Jordan Oliver
Oliver is in trouble. He's been caught embezzling money from his father's company, and unless he can pay back the $250,000 he took (which he can't), he will be fired from his job, arrested and probably sent to jail. Meanwhile, his rich wife has not only refused to bail him out of this mess, she's planning to divorce him. Desperate, Oliver thinks up a way out. He takes out an insurance policy on his wife with him as the beneficiary, then hires a hit man to kill her. The only problem is that because the doctor who performed the examination is an incompetent fraud, the insurance policy is invalid. Desperate to call off the hit, Oliver tracks down the hit man, only to find that he's subcontracted the killing to another hit man. Tracking down that killer reveals that he, too, has hired it out to a third person, and so on, and so on. Just how many people are trying to kill Oliver's wife?
Ed Huxley
When Harry Walters runs out of gas, he gets picked up by a beautiful young woman. But when she pulls a gun on him and orders him to take his clothes off, Harry puts up no resistance and is sexually assaulted. He reports the incident to the authorities, but they either don't believe him, or, if they do, can't understand why he would consider it a crime - a reaction he also gets from his friends and family.
A comedy/variety special hosted by Goldie Hawn featuring special guests Ruth Buzzi, Johnny Carson, Bob Dishy, and the Muppets.
Mike Vecchio y Susan Henderson están ultimando los preparativos de su enlace, pero parece que serán los únicos felices el día de la boda...
A drama critic learns on his wedding day that his beloved maiden aunts are homicidal maniacs, and that insanity runs in his family.
Jerome "Jerry" Fiske
During a typically disaster-filled day, Ben Harris, an angry and frustrated bachelor mailman living in a cluttered Greenwich Village basement, learns he has been paying rent to a woman who hasn't owned his building in 6 years. No longer able to endure the injustices of society, he decides to activate the ferocious tiger within himself by abducting a helpless female and dragging her back to his lair.
Joe Boyd, an aging Washington Senators fan, would sell his soul for the Senators to beat the New York Yankees and win the pennant. Enter Mr. Applegate, who offers to turn Boyd into Joe Hardy, a powerful young baseball player, in exchange for his soul. When Boyd agrees, he becomes Hardy and leads the Senators on a winning streak. When he starts to miss his wife, though, and questions the deal, Applegate sends temptress Lola into the mix.