Linda Gillen

Linda Gillen

Nacimiento : 1949-03-09, USA


Linda Gillen


Cops and Robin
Supermarket Checker
A veteran street cop and his partner, a robot programmed to be the perfect policeman, are assigned to protect the five-year-old daughter of the widow who witnessed the killing of her police officer husband and now is stalked by the gangster who murdered him.
Black Rain
Una pareja de policías de Nueva York viaja a Japón para entregar a un mafioso a la policía nipona, pero éste logra escapar. De modo obsesivo decide quedarse en Japón para capturarle, pero choca con las tradiciones del país.
Woman in Red Dress
Josh Baskin tiene trece años pero, cansado de que las chicas no le hagan caso y de que sus padres le traten como a un niño, desea ser mayor. Una noche, encuentra, en una feria, una vieja máquina que concede un deseo a cambio de una moneda. Josh, sin dudarlo un instante, pide hacerse mayor. A la mañana siguiente, descubre en el espejo un cuerpo de adulto. La otra cara de la moneda serán los problemas y responsabilidades que debe asumir sin ninguna experiencia previa.
El precio del poder
Voice (uncredited)
Un emigrante cubano frío y sanguinario, Tony Montana, llega de Cuba para instalarse en Miami, donde se propone hacerse con un nombre dentro del crimen organizado de Florida. Junto a su amigo, Manny Rivera, inicia una ascendente carrera delictiva.
Un padre fuera de serie
Un hombre soltero busca a una mujer para que se encargue de su bebé sin condiciones.
Nights at O'Rears
Mildred Temple
Young Mildred, a carhop waitress at O'Rear's Drive-In Theater, falls for Max, an egotistical bitter once-popular local high school football star.
Police Woman
Dos mujeres viven solas en el aristocrático barrio neoyorkino de Brooklyn. Una de ella, una madura lesbiana, alquila los servicios de un taxista para que, haciendo uso de su actitud agresiva y violenta, consiga cuanto antes los objetivos que se ha marcado. (FILMAFFINITY)
More Than Friends
Matty Perlman and Alan Corkus are old friends. He wants them to be more than friends. Sometimes she does too.
Un campesino mexicano decide emigrar clandestinamente a los EE. UU. para trabajar como temporero. Comenzará entonces a sufrir toda clase de desgracias: ser estafado por aquéllos que le contrataron, largas jornadas de recolección, pésimas condiciones higiénicas, salarios ínfimos... En vista de la explotación que reciben los que están en su situación, decide volver a México.
Rick is a Los Angeles County lifeguard who is in his thirties. At his 15-year high school reunion, he sees his old girlfriend who is now a divorced mother. After falling in love with her, Rick considers changing his career and lifestyle.
A group therapy session takes place involving a drummer from a suddenly defunct rock band, an athlete and a pregnant junkie.
Terror at Red Wolf Inn
Regina McKee
College student Regina comes back to her room from class one day to discover she's won a getaway vacation at the quiet Red Wolf Inn. Before she can even call her parents to let them know where she'll be, the lodge owners arrange her transport and she soon finds herself with two other young women as guests of a kindly old couple. The place is beautiful and the food is fantastic, but something just doesn't seem right. One of the guests has suddenly vanished, and the hosts are certainly reluctant to have anyone poking around the meat locker. Still, the barbecued ribs are delicious, so what's there to complain about?
A Very Missing Person
Bernadine Toller
An ex-schoolteacher is asked by the police to help locate a missing heiress.
The Magic Garden of Stanley Sweetheart
A 23-year-old Columbia University dropout seeks his identity during the sexual revolution.
Contra corriente
Narra la vida en Nueva York de Sylvia Barrett (Sandy Dennis), una solitaria maestra de una conflictiva escuela.