A seemingly ordinary girl, Ada Niezgódka, finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. With the help of a crazy, talented teacher, professor Ambroży Kleks, she develops her unique abilities and also stumbles upon a clue that will help her unravel the biggest secret of the family...
Una misteriosa mujer relata el ascenso y la caída de Nikodem "Nikos" Skotarczak, uno de los mayores mafiosos de la historia de Polonia. Inspirada en una historia real.
Roman Cudakowski, for his friends Cudak, plays in a band at weddings and city parties. During the occupation, the musician did not do well. Entrances to the premises for Germans are an opportunity to earn money. However, they cannot imagine themselves orchestras without a violinist. Cudak takes the gifted Szymon Akerman out of the ghetto to concerts, with whom he did not agree before the war. In the new reality, they both need each other: Cudak can earn money by playing with Akerman, has a chance to survive. One day, Roman decides to permanently take the violinist and his family from the ghetto and hide them, risking his life, in his home.
Describe tres días en la vida de la motivadora de fitness Sylwia Zając, una celebridad en las redes sociales con cientos de miles de followers. Aunque tiene tantos seguidores, está rodeada de empleados fieles y es admirada por sus conocidos, ella busca una intimidad verdadera.
Historia de amor entre un obrero polaco y la hija de un granjero sueco, en el marco de las tensiones y violencia que enfrentan a los cultivadores de fresas suecos y a los obreros polacos. (FILMAFFINITY)
A man returns home after a long time. The house is in a bad shape, ruined with graffiti on walls, but it doesn't stop him from staying in. The man has an aim that requires complex preparations. The house has however already a new inhabitants that start to influence the man's performance and to mingle with silhouettes from the character's recent past, spent at the Central Asia border. Are the war prolonged tension and the man's shattered emotionality possible to overcome, so that he may really re-locate in a peaceful surroundings of his home-village?