Maciej Pawłowski


Dangerous Men
Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński, Witkacy, Joseph Conrad and Bronisław Malinowski, four leading figures among the Zakopane bohemians, wake up after an all-night drunken party. Their hangover headaches are killing them, none of them remembers anything, and finding the corpse of a male stranger on the floor doesn’t help.
Broad Peak
Maciej Berbeka realiza la primera ascensión invernal del Broad Peak en 1988, escapando de la muerte por centímetros. Andrzej Zawada, el líder de la expedición, anuncia un gran éxito. Una vez que regresan a Polonia, resulta que Maciej "solo" alcanzó la Cumbre Rocosa, situada veintitrés metros más abajo que el pico real.
Fucking Bornholm
A group of friends are taking their kids to a traditional long weekend getaway on the Danish island of Bornholm, just like they did for many years. An incident between the children will spark a new crisis in their relationship. Each couple seems happy, but are they really? Maybe they’re just keeping up appearances?
El Deseo En Mí
Kalina Jedrusik, ícono del cine y la música polaca, un escandaloso símbolo sexual de espíritu libre, lucha por su independencia en la mojigata sociedad de los años 60.
Letters to Santa 4
Dialogue Editor
Cualquier cosa puede pasar durante la Nochebuena. Mel tiene que afrontar nuevos retos profesionales y adaptarse a los nuevos estándares imperantes en el trabajo. Entonces Karina y Stephan planean introducir cambios serios en la crianza de los hijos. Deciden cambiar su enfoque y aplicar métodos educativos algo sofisticados. Una nueva mujer se interpondrá entre Karolina y Filip, y Rudolf recordará el pasado.
Letters to Santa 4
Cualquier cosa puede pasar durante la Nochebuena. Mel tiene que afrontar nuevos retos profesionales y adaptarse a los nuevos estándares imperantes en el trabajo. Entonces Karina y Stephan planean introducir cambios serios en la crianza de los hijos. Deciden cambiar su enfoque y aplicar métodos educativos algo sofisticados. Una nueva mujer se interpondrá entre Karolina y Filip, y Rudolf recordará el pasado.
Cold War
Con la Guerra Fría como telón de fondo, “Cold War” presenta una apasionada historia de amor entre dos personas de diferente origen y temperamento que son totalmente incompatibles, pero cuyo destino les condena a estar juntos.
"Botoks" is intended to be a record of the authentic history of strong, determined and expressive physicians who struggle with life's decisions and problems: discrimination, maternity pressures, the pursuit of youth, the fight for the right to free choice and own views.
The Atlas
A remote, and a bit crazy to be honest, psychiatric hospital receives a curious patient —one who he doesn’t move nor speak but spends his days standing with his hands up. The only thing known is his nickname — “The Atlas”. In a word, he is a riddle and riveting one at that, like an itch you cannot quite scratch. Theories and informed-and-fact-based-gossip flourish all around the place. As luck would have it, so does the conflict as what to do with him. The situation is close to exploding, but the Atlas won’t stir. Or will he?
A Grain of Truth
A big shot prosecutor Teodor Szacki divorces his wife and leaves Warsaw to “start a new life” in picturesque town in south­east Poland ­ Sandomierz. After a short while he is called in to investigate a strange and mysterious murder case. Alienated in provincial reality he struggles to find a killer, when he stumbles upon more victims. While the investigation continues he realizes that all murders are connected to alleged historical Jewish ritual killings. Those murders prompt a wave of anti­Semitic hysteria in the town. In his investigation Szacki must wrestle with the painful tangle of Polish­Jewish relations and real findings of his work ­ that roots of some legends arefantasy, not a grain of truth…
Sound Designer
Three small-time thugs from Warsaw's Praga district decide to celebrate a successful car theft in one of the city's Asian bars. They feel like kings of the world, but what they don't know yet is that the bartenders there are not to be messed with...A solid mix of wickedly funny psycho-drama and thrilling action.