Omid, a teenage athlete who is barred for bureaucratic reasons from a swimming competition; however, as his estranged father has made his consent to a divorce from his mother conditional on Omid's performance in the competition, he begins to train in open-water swimming under the coaching of Mani, with their increasingly close friendship leading to community rumours and allegations they are engaging in a gay sexual relationship with each other.
A different story from a contemporary inflamed event
Cuando la guerra entre Iraq e Irán está a punto de finalizar, los soldados de tres generaciones distintas ponen rumbo a sus respectivos hogares. Sin embargo, la noticia de que se ha producido un importante ataque iraquí en un punto estratégico de la frontera les obliga a tomar una difícil decisión: regresar a su hogar o seguir luchando por su patria.
The story of a young poor aspiring filmmaker who is trying to raise money to make a short film about a man who stops trains while having to deal with family issues such as his mother's illness.