Sound Engineer
Royal Palace Theatre, Paris . February 17th 1673, the King’s theatre group is playing « Le Malade Imaginaire » when Moliere started spitting blood, but he takes the decision to keep playing until the end. During his agony, he let enter in the theatre all the elements and ghost who made his life. Starting a fight to preserve his dignity, he plan to transfigure his death in a last laugh instrument.
Two brothers, Pierre and Vladimir, wonder if their Russian grandparents, Lily and Constantin, worked for the Soviet secret services in Paris during the 1930s and 1940s. Their research begins in Russia. After meetings and conversations, yellowish photos and vodka glasses, a lost world begins to emerge harassing the present.
En la era de las redes sociales, el primer beso ha dado paso a verdaderos ritos de iniciación a la edad adulta. Adolescentes y jóvenes narran sus primeras experiencias sexuales.
It is the history of a ball. A grand ball. Each summer, more than two thousand people tributary of the whole of Europe in a corner of the French countryside. For 7 days and 8 nights, they dance, again and again, lose the concept of time, braving their toil and their body. It rotates, laughs, it spin round, it cries, it sings. And the life pulse.
Forty years after his death, this documentary pays tribute to one of the major filmmakers of Italian cinema, to an original work that continues to inspire today's cinema. Coming from one of the greatest families of the Italian aristocracy, he could have been a rich and cultured man, living in opulence and idleness, but Luchino wanted a different destiny. This is the story that director Elisabeth Kapnist and Christian Dumais-Lvowski wanted to tell. Count Visconti di Modrone wears the clothes of a legend that he never stopped shaping throughout his life. This documentary reconstructs the fabric of a brilliant life, dedicated to art; theater, opera, and cinema. This artistic work is also that of a committed man, who was a fellow traveler of the Communist Party, and who resisted fascism.
Umberto Eco, the author of best-selling novels who passed away in February 2016, unveils the secrets behind his undertakings and novels.
Based on a novel that Albert Camus was working on when he died, we follow Jacques Comery as he travels back to Algeria in 1957, a place full of childhood memories. The country is split between those wanting to remain a part of France, and those demanding independence. Reminiscences of his mother, his stern grandmother and a young Arab boy come flooding back.
Sound Mixer
Tras la caída de las instituciones mundiales más importantes, la humanidad vive en un estado de anarquía total. El aventurero y mercenario Hugo Cornelius Toorop recibe la misión de escoltar a una bella joven desde un remoto convento de Rusia hasta Nueva York. Cuanto más se acerca a su destino, más grande es su sospecha de que lo que debe proteger no es solo una simple muchacha.
Sound Designer
La joven Lien, de 23 años, trabaja en el bar de su hermana mayor y comparte piso con su hermano mayor. Todos ellos se reunirán con la hermana mediana en el aniversario de la muerte de su madre. La complicidad entre las tres hermanas les lleva a compartir fantasías, temores y dudas, pero cada una de ellas guarda un secreto sobre sus sentimientos más íntimos, que terminarán por revelar.
Los Ménard se reúnen todas las semanas en el café de Henri, el hijo mayor. Desde allí él, su esposa, su hermano, su cuñada y su madre acuden juntos a cenar al mejor restaurante de la zona, un barrio de la periferia. Sin embargo, un día, un incidente trastoca la cita: Arlette, la mujer de Henri, no aparece. Durante la reunión, se celebra el cumpleaños de Yolanda, la madre, y a partir de ese momento salen a relucir dramáticamente los viejos rencores y rencillas familiares.
Sound Engineer
Raï se trata de una pandilla de jóvenes en un suburbio parisino. Este es el entorno multicultural en el que Mezz, Aziz, Laurent, Nordine, Poisson y los demás han crecido. No hay futuro en Garges-les-Gonesses. El desempleo es alto, las drogas y la violencia son parte de la vida cotidiana. La oportunidad de escapar parece inexistente.
Martine is 25. Since breaking up with François, she has the feeling that the world is caving in on her. Between small jobs and one-night stands, she can't seem to get a fix on herself. In desperation, after a last quarrel with François, she unintentionally causes an accident that leads her to the emergency ward of a psychiatric hospital. During her brief stay, she unexpectedly sparks into life. She takes an interest in two young patients, Pierre and Anne, convinced that she is doing the right thing in supervising their love life...
The shooting diary of a film shot in France and in the United States. Using photos of Paris and of New York City, excerpts of his former films, statements by friends of his and shooting sequences of the film itself, tormented filmmaker Marcel Hanoun has made a heterogeneous and unclassifiable film about the difficulty of filming.