Au milieu de nulle part, une cité ouvrière vidée de sa population depuis quelques années déjà. Pourtant, certains habitants ont décidé d'y rester, plus par choix que par nécessité, parce que c'est là qu'ils sont nés et qu'ils ont grandi. Parmi eux il y a Francis, l'ouvrier consciencieux qui continue d'entretenir la machine sur laquelle il a travaillé toute sa vie ; Samir, son fils.
When the dead body of Mr Kaplan is found, a kitchen knife in the back, all eyes turn to the maid. When the widow reveals that her departed husband was incapable of giving her children, all eyes turn to the widow. Beneath this passionate crime, a modern day detective will discover that temptation, devotion, remorse and desire are the best fuels for killing love.
Le match France - Algérie vient chambouler le train-train de Brahim et Mouloud. Cet évènement va diviser les deux amis : Brahim revendique son identité algérienne, Mouloud fustige son refus de la France, pays qui les a vu grandir.
Sylvie es transexual y vive de prostituirse. Dos o tres momentos de felicidad, el resto negrura y malestar, tristeza rotunda. Ama a dos hombres, a Djamel, un norteafricano que vende sus favores a hombres y mujeres en los lavabos de una estación de autobuses, un chiquillo de treinta años que suspira por la familia que renegó de él. Y ama a Mikhail, inmigrante ruso con permiso de residencia, destrozado por la guerra de Chechenia y desertor.
Un grupo de jóvenes entra en una de las "Grande École" que forman a los futuros dirigentes y abren las puertas al poder. Son la flor y nata estudiantil y, si se cumplen las previsiones, se convertirán en la élite del mañana. Pero, a menudo, la vida nos gana en imaginación. Porque a grandes escuelas, grandes amores, difíciles de vivir, por cierto. Con la confusión del ego y del juego, de los sentimientos, del espíritu y de la carne, se tambalean los principios y los jóvenes tendrán que contar consigo mismos, ser lo que son y darse cuenta de que la Gran Escuela quizás no sea la que lleva este nombre.
Isabelle, chica guapa y despiera estudia enfermería en un hospital y se encuentra realizando unas prácticas en el servicio de cirugía en que trabaja de enfermera su prima Véronique. Isabelle conoce allí a Philipp, un gran cirujano. En un primer momento le intriga su frialdad. Más tarde, llega a pensar que oculta algo relacionado con los extraños accidentes ocurridos en otro hospital. El descubrimiento de los hechos le sume a Isabelle en una verdadera pesadilla.
Le jeune beur
After a shoplifter finds herself unexpectedly released on parole, she pays a call on the judge at her flat. The judge, Carole Rewinsky, does not tell Tina that her elease was only a clerical error. The two find they share things in common other than the judicial system, like a mutual interest in shoes. Carole allows Tina to crash on her chesterfield... Carole spots a pimp trolling for young girls at a café. Carole failed to put him away the last time, but now, with Tina agreeing to be the bait, she has a chance for better luck... The two find they complement one another well, like champagne and cassis. Carole needs to go to Annecy to crack a crooked casino case. Annecy happens to be Tina's home town... Written by David Carless
A week on St-Martin with vacationing Parisians. Camille surprises her lover Philippe, who's with his wife and children. Lonely Laurette, a secretary, hopes to meet a man. Aziz brings his enthusiastic brother Rafik because his boss had two tickets he couldn't use. Lovers Pauline and the pregnant, cranky Anita find their vacation complicated by an ex-lover of Pauline's. The playboy Jimmy is the hotel M.C., and Carla, free-spirited and sensual, coaches Laurette in the ways of seduction. She is hot and cold to these wiles, alternately attracting and putting off Aziz, hoping Jimmy will try to seduce her, and afraid he might. By week's end, with the help of Camille's diary, we'll know the outcomes.
Laurent's fate is to be a soccer superstar. But he happens to fall in love with a Fabienne, 40. He is only 18, and his career is about to fall apart...
A young Frenchman of Arab descent, Djamel, becomes convinced that his long-lost father is a rich factory owner in Grenoble. When the man coldly rejects him, Djamel plots a revenge that will implicate the man's closeted gay son.
Érase una vez una chica llamada Alice, que vivía en los suburbios. A esta preciosa chica le gustaba jugar, a juegos de seducción, a juegos de violencia. Un día Alice decide matar a Saïd, un guapo compañero de clase. Pero ella no puede hacerlo sola. Así que Alice manipula a su ingenuo novio Luc para que cometa el crimen a sangre fría, como prueba de su amor. No fue tan fácil como Alice pensaba. Los asesinatos pueden ser confusos y agotadores. Alice pensaba que lo tenía todo totalmente planificado, pero la vida de un verdadero asesino puede estar cargada de muchas dificultades y pronto descubrirán que la vida no es un cuento de hadas.
Born to a North African father and a French mother, 18-year-old Parisian high school senior Rémi works part-time in an Arab grocery store while studying management and commerce. He responds to a school ad seeking subjects for a film, and Marc, who placed the ad, auditions Rémi by filming an interview with him. Rémi and Marc wind up in bed, and Rémi soon has other sexual experiences – with a guy in a men's room and with a young woman who grabs him while she's dancing in the street.
Samir, a young man turned lawyer, returns to his family to attend the coming-of-age feast of his little brother. He finds his mother and father confronted with administrative problems and ordinary racism. His other brother, a deadbeat in his parent's eyes, is Malek. Malek still hangs out with his friends in their hometown where nothing has really changed. What comes along is tenderness, love, tension, a deep history, and the pain of growing up to see your family in a different light.