Andrew Chesworth


El rey mono
Versión animada de la leyenda mitológica asiática "Viaje al Oeste", sigue las aventuras del Rey Mono.
Gold Rush
This short film follows Nya and Kai as they race through the futuristic streets of NINJAGO City! Chased by a group of mysterious mechanical enemy, the brother-sister ninja team are trying to reach Borg Tower before the city is succumbed to darkness. With them, a powerful token. Will they make it in time? What is this special token? What do Nya and Kai need to do? So many questions - all of them answered in this NINJAGO LEGACY short.
Head of Story
A short film based on the ancient Chinese creation myth.
A short film based on the ancient Chinese creation myth.
One Small Step
​Luna is a vibrant young Chinese-American girl who dreams of becoming an astronaut. From the day she witnesses a rocket launching into space on TV, Luna is driven to reach for the stars. In the big city, Luna lives with her loving father Chu, who supports her with a humble shoe repair business he runs out of his garage. As Luna grows up, she enters college, facing adversity of all kinds in pursuit of her dreams.
One Small Step
​Luna is a vibrant young Chinese-American girl who dreams of becoming an astronaut. From the day she witnesses a rocket launching into space on TV, Luna is driven to reach for the stars. In the big city, Luna lives with her loving father Chu, who supports her with a humble shoe repair business he runs out of his garage. As Luna grows up, she enters college, facing adversity of all kinds in pursuit of her dreams.
One Small Step
​Luna is a vibrant young Chinese-American girl who dreams of becoming an astronaut. From the day she witnesses a rocket launching into space on TV, Luna is driven to reach for the stars. In the big city, Luna lives with her loving father Chu, who supports her with a humble shoe repair business he runs out of his garage. As Luna grows up, she enters college, facing adversity of all kinds in pursuit of her dreams.
One Small Step
​Luna is a vibrant young Chinese-American girl who dreams of becoming an astronaut. From the day she witnesses a rocket launching into space on TV, Luna is driven to reach for the stars. In the big city, Luna lives with her loving father Chu, who supports her with a humble shoe repair business he runs out of his garage. As Luna grows up, she enters college, facing adversity of all kinds in pursuit of her dreams.
One Small Step
​Luna is a vibrant young Chinese-American girl who dreams of becoming an astronaut. From the day she witnesses a rocket launching into space on TV, Luna is driven to reach for the stars. In the big city, Luna lives with her loving father Chu, who supports her with a humble shoe repair business he runs out of his garage. As Luna grows up, she enters college, facing adversity of all kinds in pursuit of her dreams.
Frozen: Una aventura de Olaf
Olaf y Sven trabajan juntos en una alegre misión: traer las mejores tradiciones navideñas del reino a casa y salvar la Navidad de Anna y Elsa.
Una gran aventura acerca de una enérgica adolescente que se embarca en una misión audaz para salvar a su pueblo de una antigua y misteriosa amenaza, en un viaje de autodescubrimiento. La acompañará el arrogante semidiós Maui, quien la guiará en su travesía por el océano en un viaje lleno de acción, plagado de temibles criaturas e imposibles desafíos para restaurar el orden perdido.
La moderna metrópoli mamífera de Zootrópolis es una ciudad absolutamente única. Está compuesta de barrios con diferentes hábitats como la lujosa Plaza Sahara, el Distrito Selva Tropical y el gélido Distrito Tundra. Es un crisol donde los animales de cada entorno conviven, un lugar donde no importa lo que seas. De hecho puedes ser cualquier cosa, desde un elefante enorme hasta la musaraña más diminuta. Pero cuando llega la optimista agente Judy Hopps, descubre que ser la primera conejita de un cuerpo policial compuesto de animales duros y enormes no es nada fácil. Pero está decidida a demostrar su valía y se mete de cabeza en un caso, a pesar de que eso significa trabajar con Nick Wilde, un zorro parlanchín y estafador, para resolver el misterio.
Frozen: El reino del hielo
Cuando una profecía condena a un reino a un invierno eterno, Anna, una joven optimista se une a un temerario montañero llamado Kristoff y a su compinche el reno Sven. Juntos emprenden un viaje épico en busca de Elsa, hermana de Anna y Reina de las Nieves para poner fin al gélido hechizo.
¡Rompe Ralph!
Durante décadas, Ralph ha vivido a la sombra de Repara-Félix Jr., el chico bueno de su videojuego. Cansado de ser el malo de la historia, Ralph decide tomar el asunto por sus propias y gigantes manos, y se lanza en un viaje a través de los distintos mundos y generaciones de videojuegos para demostrarle al mundo que él también puede ser un héroe.
Fruitless Efforts: Fruit of the Womb
A short film produced by MAKE, LLC. Written and directed by Aaron Quist
Fruitless Efforts: Fruit of the Womb
A short film produced by MAKE, LLC. Written and directed by Aaron Quist