Georges Lucas


Song of Armorica
Assistant Camera
A poetic drama, spoken in the Breton language and set in a Breton fishing community, telling of the impossible love between a waifish fisherman and a highborn lady-of-the-manor.
La Bretagne
Documental acerca de la región y las costumbres bretonas, realizado por Jean Epstein como encargo para la Exposición Internacional de París de 1937.
El hundimiento de la casa Usher
Director of Photography
Un hombre llega a la mansión de su amigo Usher y la esposa de éste, Madelaine. Usher está pintando un retrato de su esposa, pero, al tiempo que transmite la esencia vital al lienzo, la mujer va desfalleciendo. Cuando perece, será enterrada en la cripta familiar, pero Usher no cree en verdad en la condición mortal de su amada... Adaptación libre de la historia de Poe.
Morgane, the Enchantress
Director of Photography
Additional Photography
El golpe de estado del 18 Brumario de 1799, que significó el fin de la Revolución Francesa, puso el poder en manos de Bonaparte, el más prestigioso de los generales franceses, sobre todo después de sus brillantes campañas en Italia y en Egipto. Desde 1799, Napoleón no sólo fomentó la difusión de las ideas revolucionarias, sino que, además, se lanzó a la conquista de Europa. En 1804 se autoproclamó emperador de Francia con el nombre de Napoleón I.
The Flood
In a village on the banks of the Rhone river, Alban, a young farmer, is about to marry Margot. Monsieur Broc, a town hall employee, discovers his daughter is taken with Alban. When he rejects her, she collapses. Suddenly, the river rises and floods the village. One evening, Margot disapears… This peasant drama, adapted from a novel by André Corthis and shot during an actual flood of the Rhone, was Delluc’s last. The human madness is an echo to nature’s fury, magnified by moving images of a Provence submerged by water and mist.
Don Juan et Faust
Crazy scientist Faust tries to take Don Juan's lover away.
The Woman from Nowhere
A fifty year old woman, scarred by a life of disillusionment and regret, returns to the place where she lived twenty years before, to rekindle happier memories. She meets a young woman, the daughter of the current owners of the property, who is on the point of abandoning her home – just as she did, all those years ago...
Chichinette et Cie
Chichinette (Blanche Montel) is in love with a playboy named Philippe (Jean Devalde). She follows him to Paris, believing his promise of marriage, only to come to her senses.
El Dorado
Director of Photography
In Granada in Spain, Sibilla works as a dancer in a squalid cabaret called El Dorado, struggling to earn enough to care for her sick child. The boy's father Estiria, a prominent citizen, refuses them both help and recognition, fearful of jeopardising the engagement of his adult daughter Iliana to a wealthy nobleman. Iliana however slips away from her engagement party to meet her real lover Hedwick, a Swedish painter. Sibilla, in desperation after a further rejection by Estiria, sees an opportunity to blackmail him by locking the lovers overnight in their meeting-place in the Alhambra.
Villa Destin
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Militis, a sailor, returns to a bar where he finds Sarah, the girl he once loved and is still attracted to. However, he is now married to an exotic woman who took care of him during an illness.
The Man of the Sea
Nolff, a tough Breton fisherman is happy: his wife has just given birth to a son, Michel. His only wish is to make him a fisherman like him. But when he becomes a man, Michel becomes a good-for-nothing who spends his time in taverns.
Le Carnaval des vérités
Comtesse Della Gentia and her lover Paul attempt to seduce and blackmail a rich neighbour Juan, who is in love with a naïve young friend of theirs, Clarisse. Their plot fails; the Comtesse kills herself at a ball, and her lover re-covers her face with its mask.
Le Bercail
Evelyne attempts to reconnect with her family after a traumatizing experience with a young writer.