Shiro Tonami


Marcado para matar
Un asesino del crimen organizado es contratado para llevar a cabo una misión. Es conocido como el Número 3, y pronto se verá en vuelto en una especie de conspiración en la que están metidos una extraña y fascinante mujer, y más asesinos. La caza comienza, y enseguida sabremos quién es el Número 1 de la Organización, todo un ejemplo a seguir, y sobre el que algunos incluso aseguran que no existe, que es un invento para meter miedo.
El vagabundo de Tokio
«Phoenix Tetsu» es un asesino a sueldo reformado que ha seguido el ejemplo establecido por su jefe, aparentemente arrepentido de su trabajo. Una vez alejado del mundo de la delincuencia, Tetsu se encuentra vagando por las calles de Tokio, eludiendo, a la par que esperando, una muerte segura a manos del villano Viper. Tan solo le queda la compañía de su novia, cantante en un nightclub.
Tattooed Life
‘Tattooed Life' begins with a parasol wielding Yakuza assassin attacking a rickshaw. It almost looks like feudal Japan until somebody pulls a gun and we're reminded that it's the 20th century. Post-shooting, the assassin delivers his bounty to his brother (to pay for his art school education) before getting ambushed in one of the few rickshaw-jacking incidents in film history, and being rescued by his art-student brother. In the aftermath, one brother is marked for death by the Yakuza, and the other brother won't go to art school with blood on his hands, so they decide the perfect way to deal with such hardships is to become fugitive construction workers in northern Japan . And why not?
Historia de una prostituta
Harumi se ofrece voluntariamente como “confort woman” en el frente de Manchuria durante los meses previos a la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Allí deberá prestar sus servicios profesionales a cientos de soldados, aunque con dos de ellos forjará una relación especial. Un relato de amor trágico, enfrentado a los códigos militares en tiempos de guerra.
The Call of Blood
Two brothers seek revenge on the yakuza responsible for the death of their father.
Kanto Wanderer
Handsome young Katsuta tries to follow the yakuza code, but even his boss doesn't believe in it. Diamond Fuyu is less ethical, and allows the idiotic Tetsu to trick a schoolgirl he fancies, Hanako, into a type of bonded prostitution. Because of gang conflict, the Izu family (to whom Katsuta belongs) has their last gambling den taken over, and he seeks revenge. This brings him back into contact with a former lover who is also a card trickster - she is also Diamond Fuyu's sister, and is now married to Okaru-Hachi, who has mastered a clever card cheating trick called Okaru, which involves the deft use of mirrors.
Detective Bureau 2-3: Go to Hell, Bastards!
Tajima is a private detective in charge of his own company, Detective Bureau 2-3. When warring criminal gangs go overboard by robbing U.S. military munitions, Tajima steps in to stop what the cops can't.
The Guys Who Put Money on Me
An unofficial sequel to Million Dollar Match (1961) which also starred Koji Wada as a young energetic boxer. This story deals more with betting action surrounding a boxing match, concentrating mostly on the high-powered Yakuza gambling dens.
Teenage Yakuza
A high-school vigilante protects his community from the extortions of mobsters from a neighbouring city.