Ludo Troch


Stephanie smiles as she’s applauded by the crowd. The 11-year-old gymnast just won her first international title. Her coach Patricia embraces her as they both admire the gold medal they have worked so hard for. The girl is crushed with attention, everybody wants to have a picture with her and expresses their high hopes, but the more recognition she gets, the more she realises that the game only has begun.
Home Front
Burgundy, France. Solange's 60th birthday celebrations are violently interrupted by her estranged brother, Bernard. His outburst will reawaken painful memories and reveal untold stories of the Algerian War.
This Is Our Land
El partido Rassemblement National Populaire está en plena campaña e intenta convencer a Pauline (Émilie Decquenne), una enfermera liberal “que todo el mundo adora”, de que se presente a las elecciones municipales en una ciudad que el partido ha elegido como objetivo nacional simbólico. Pero a través de su historia de amor con Stanko (Guillaume Gouix), la joven irá descubriendo las relaciones turbias de sus padrinos políticos con los paramilitares del Bloc y los mecanismos de marketing que disimulan su papel de rostro amable (“no uses nunca palabras racistas; di 'gentuza’, todo el mundo lo entenderá”)
La historia del amor
Nueva York, en la actualidad. Leo, un viejo inmigrante judío polaco, lúdico y divertido, vive recordando a “la mujer más amada en el mundo”, el gran amor de su vida. En el otro extremo de la ciudad, Alma, con el espíritu de una adolescente llena de pasión, descubre el amor por primera vez. Nada parece unir a Leo y Alma. Y sin embargo… desde la Polonia de los años 30 al Central Park de hoy en día, el manuscrito de un libro, “La historia del amor”, viajará a través del tiempo y de los continentes para unir sus destinos.
Go Home
Nada is going home. Or at least she wants to. When she comes back to Lebanon, she realizes she's a foreigner in her own country. But there's still a place she calls home: an abandoned house in ruins, haunted by the presence of her grandfather who disappeared mysteriously during the civil war. Something happened in this house. Something violent. A young woman searching for the truth and discovering herself.
No es mi tipo
La película relata el encuentro entre un profesor de filosofía parisino destinado durante un año a un centro de una zona rural y una joven peluquera sin pretensión intelectual que acabará por convertirse en su amante.
Violette Leduc hija bastarda de un noble, conoce a Simone de Beauvoir tras la posguerra en Saint Germain des Prés, comenzando así una relación intensa entre estas dos mujeres que va a durar toda su vida, relación basada en la búsqueda de libertad de Violette y la convicción de Simone de tener entre manos el destino de una escritora fuera de lo común.
One Night
In the harbor city of Le Havre, France, a woman is stabbed during the night, just below the windows of her neighborhood. Pierre (Yvan Attal) has witnessed the murder, and heard the wails of the women crying for help. So have the neighbors, certainly. But at the end, nobody called the police. Nevertheless, sorrows are too heavy for Pierre, which feel the needs to tell everything to his wife (Sophie Quinton), and to the police. During the investigation, it appears that 38 people witnessed the murdering, and none reacted...
La fuente de las mujeres
En un pequeño pueblo de Oriente Medio, la tradición exige que las mujeres vayan a buscar agua, bajo un sol ardiente, a la fuente que nace en lo alto de una montaña. Leila, una joven casada, propone a las demás mujeres una huelga de sexo: no mantendrán relaciones sexuales hasta que los hombres colaboren con ellas en el transporte del agua hasta la aldea.
El concierto
En tiempos de Brézhnev, Andreï Filipov, el mejor director de orquesta de la Unión Soviética, estaba al frente de la célebre orquesta del Bolchoï. Pero fue destituido, pues se negó a despedir a los músicos judíos, entre los que estaba Sacha, su mejor amigo. Treinta años después, sigue trabajando en el Bolchoï, pero como hombre de la limpieza. Una tarde en que se queda trabajando hasta muy tarde, descubre un fax dirigido al director del Bolchoï, en el que el Teatro del Châtelet invita a la orquesta a dar un concierto en Paris. Entonces, a Andreï se le ocurre una idea peregrina: reunir a sus antiguos amigos músicos con el fin de que suplanten a los músicos oficiales del Bolchoï. Sería una oportunidad única de tomarse la revancha.
Narra la vida, fuera de lo común, de la francesa Séraphine de Senlis, una mujer nacida en 1864 que fue pastora, luego ama de casa y, finalmente, pintora antes de hundirse en la locura. Comienzos de siglo XX. Séraphine Louis, de 42 años, vive en Senlis y se gana la vida limpiando casas. El poco tiempo que le sobra lo ocupa pintando. Es la mujer de la limpieza de la Sra. Duphot, que alquila un piso a Wilhelm Uhde, un marchante alemán fascinado por los pintores modernos e ingenuos. Durante una cena ofrecida por la Sra. Duphot, Wilhelm Uhde descubre un pequeño cuadro que había traído Séraphine unos días antes. Fascinado, lo compra y convence a Séraphine para que le enseñe otras obras suyas.
Irina Palm
Maggie debe encontrar dinero para el tratamiento de su nieto, además de animar a su hijo Tom y su mujer Sarah. Al ver un anuncio que reza "Se necesita azafata", Maggie entra. Cuando descubre de qué tipo de acompañante se trata, se queda sorprendida, pero acepta el trabajo. Maggie es tímida y lo pasaría francamente mal en el imperio del sexo si no fuera por Luisa, una compañera que le enseña los trucos del oficio hasta convertirla en la muy solicitada Irina Palm. Pero la doble vida de Maggie no pasa inadvertida a sus vecinos y deberá enfrentarse a la doble moral provinciana y hacerse serias preguntas.
A portrait of Rita, who claims that her mother was never a mother for her. Rita gives birth to her own five children and forces her mother to take the role of a mother.
Vete y vive
En 1984, miles de africanos procedentes de 26 países afectados por el hambre terminan en campamentos en Sudán. En una iniciativa de Israel y los Estados Unidos, se realiza una misión para llevar a miles de Judios de Etiopía a Israel. Una madre cristiana obliga a su hijo de nueve años a declararse un Judio para salvarle de la hambruna y la muerte. El niño llega a la Tierra Santa, dice que es huérfano, y es adoptado por una familia francesa sefardí de Tel Aviv, aunque crece con el temor de que se descubra su doble secreto: ni es Judio ni es huérfano, sólo es negro. Descubrirá el amor, la cultura occidental, el judaísmo, pero también el racismo y la guerra en los territorios ocupados.
Le Chignon d'Olga
Julien and Emma are brother and sister, living in rural France with their father, who writes children's books. Julien is a gifted pianist but the loss of his mother has sucked the joie de vivre out of him; his best friend Alice knows it although their platonic relationship is more about him supporting her in bad relationship choices than anything else. When he sees a beautiful woman called Olga in a bookstore, Julien is smitten and sets about to set up someway of impressing her and winning her affection.
Villa Des Roses
En 1913, una joven comienza a trabajar como empleada doméstica en una sórdida pensión parisina llena de excéntricos. Cuando se enamora de uno de los invitados, debe elegir entre su hijo y su nuevo romance.
A young mother called Maria is returning home after a long abscence. Her kids have created their own fantasies as to why their mother has been away for such a long time.
Bruxelles mon amour
3 generations of filmmakers tell a story about Brussels, 3 stories settled in the rue Saint Quentin, a forgotten street somewhere in the shadow of the European administration area.
Mona Saber
A girl lives with her mother in Paris. Her life changes when she finds out that her father lives in Morocco and embarks on a journey to find him.
La Pasión del Rey
El filme narra narra la relación entre el Rey Sol (Luis XIV) y el compositor de su corte Lully.
The King's Daughters
Late 17th Century: Anne de Grandcamp and Lucie de Fontenelle, two little girls from Normandy, arrive at the Saint-Cyr school founded by Madame de Maintenon for educating the daughters of impoverished nobles ruined in wars and making them into free women. Madame de Maintenon is the secret wife of Louis XIV, and empowered by his support, she offers "her" two hundred fifty girls a playful and avant-garde education. Anne and Lucie, two inseparable friends, allow themselves to be carried away by the promise of a bright future. But Maintenon has arrived at the pinnacle of power through scheming and debasing herself and she now fears the fires of hell. She is counting on her model school to atone for her past sins.
Everybody's Famous!
Jean is a family man and factory worker who dreams of becoming a songwriter. Pinning his hopes on his teenage daughter, Marva, he takes her to singing contests in which the awkward and overweight girl struggles to belt out a tune. When Jean is suddenly fired because of cut backs, he is ashamed and even more desperate to have his daughter succeed. In a chance meeting Jean kidnaps the most famous pop star in the country and holds her hostage demanding to be heard by the music industry. Catching the attention of the media and the eyes of the nation, Jean and Marva realize that the show must go on until everyone is famous.
Molokai. La historia del padre Damián
Narra la historia del padre Damián, un sacerdote católico belga que, en 1873, llegó como voluntario a la isla de Molokai, en Hawái, donde consagró su vida al cuidado y consuelo de los leprosos allí confinados
The Phoenix
A modest man witnesses the deadly accident of a renowned writer and steals his manuscript. At home the man receives the sequel of the manuscript on the fax, written in the same handwriting. He decides to publish the book under his own name. He becomes very successful, until his fans start to ask for another book.
When the Light Comes
A young woman spends an adventurous winter with a trapper on Spitsbergen.
Los taxios
Lazy Taxi Driver
A short black comedy directed by Lars Damoiseaux.
Love, Math and Sex
A highly intelligent teenage girl has an affair with a 40-year-old man.
Vrouwen Willen Trouwen
A hungover groom is not exactly enjoying his wedding day.
Priest Daens
En la localidad belga de Aalst se inicia una revuelta para protestar por las duras condiciones de los obreros de las fábricas. Cuando el religioso Adolf Daens escribe un artículo denunciando estos hechos, su repercusión es tal que no sólo acaba enfrentándose al Papa León XIII, sino también a la necesidad final de elegir entre el sacerdocio y la actividad política. (FILMAFFINITY)
Thinking of You
Belgium, 1980. On the banks of the Meuse river, against the background of a steel-producing city, factories close down one after another and lay off workers. One of those made redundant is Fabrice, who, at thirty-five, is proud of his trade, rendered mythical by fire and steel, but feels he has become useless. His wife, Céline, tries to renew his interest in life. Despite a few moments of rediscovered happiness, Fabrice remains trapped in his confusion and one day disappears. Céline, her intense love leading the way, goes looking for him and eventually finds him. Once again, she tries to save him from himself. Can love resuscitate a languishing man? That is Céline's wager.
Blueberry Hill
Antwerp in the fifties. Robin de Hert grew up in a Catholic parochial environment; on the one hand there is his authoritarian father and the sadistic secretary of the Catholic boys technical school, on the other hand there are the 'Grieten' and the French teacher with whom Robin is getting a good band through a secret they share. If the secretary finds out about this secret, this has major implications for both the teacher and the students ...
't Bolleken
't Bolleken
De droomproducenten
Documentary exploring why Belgian television doesn't invest more money in Belgian cinema as is the case in e.g. the netherlands.
Brussels by Night
This is the story of a man who travels to Brussels, and meets some people with whom he spends a few days. When they all go on a day trip to the "slanting plane" of Ronquieres, all sorts of bottled up frustrations flare up.
An inspector of the Antwerp criminal investigation unit faces problems not only in his professional life, but also at home. When he is partnered with a young, over-confident colleague, he loses control over the case in hand.
Silent Bruges
Hugues cannot get over the untimely death of his wife Blanche, who made him happy for ten years. He lives alone in his house in Bruges, a city he would like to be dead like his wife. The sorrowful widower has transformed the place he lives in into a shrine dedicated to his beloved wife. One day, he meets Jeanne, a ballet dancer, who looks like Blanche.
The End of the Journey
A 40-year-old mother struggles to deal with the anxiety of growing older after her eldest daughter moves out and the youngest distances herself.
Sam starts his first week as a helper at a brickyard. He got this job because his new boss is the chairman of the local football team for which he plays. He's a talented goalkeeper. There is much resemblance between Sam and Louis, a 65-year-old who is pottering through the last days before his retirement. They both react strongly to the illegal dumping practices of a firm from the city. But also their boss' hands do not seem to be entirely clean in this business. Will Sam sink into the rut and routine that Louis is rebelling against?
De Proefkonijnen