

Additional voices (voice)
Un joven aspirante a músico llamado Miguel se embarca en un viaje extraordinario a la mágica tierra de sus ancestros. Allí, el encantador embaucador Héctor se convierte en su inesperado amigo y le ayuda a descubrir los misterios detrás de las historias y tradiciones de su familia.
Yxxxxx, an intergalactic parasite with delusions of grandeur and highly dangerous, who is confined in a mental space, has decided to force three other inmates, who are not exactly an example of prudence, to escape the mental asylum with him to involve them in their evil plans.
Justo Naranja
Yxxxxx, an intergalactic parasite with delusions of grandeur and highly dangerous, who is confined in a mental space, has decided to force three other inmates, who are not exactly an example of prudence, to escape the mental asylum with him to involve them in their evil plans.