Shu Aiello


Since 1952, the Greek cooperative KTEL has run 80% of the country’s public transport system completely independently from the state. Catherine Catella and Shu Aiello crossed the country to meet employees of a company that was shaken up by the economic crisis. From general assemblies to daily journeys, Leoforio documents the multiple conditions of a model that is organising its resistance.
Since 1952, the Greek cooperative KTEL has run 80% of the country’s public transport system completely independently from the state. Catherine Catella and Shu Aiello crossed the country to meet employees of a company that was shaken up by the economic crisis. From general assemblies to daily journeys, Leoforio documents the multiple conditions of a model that is organising its resistance.
Since 1952, the Greek cooperative KTEL has run 80% of the country’s public transport system completely independently from the state. Catherine Catella and Shu Aiello crossed the country to meet employees of a company that was shaken up by the economic crisis. From general assemblies to daily journeys, Leoforio documents the multiple conditions of a model that is organising its resistance.
Un Paese di Calabria
Irina Palm
Production Manager
Maggie debe encontrar dinero para el tratamiento de su nieto, además de animar a su hijo Tom y su mujer Sarah. Al ver un anuncio que reza "Se necesita azafata", Maggie entra. Cuando descubre de qué tipo de acompañante se trata, se queda sorprendida, pero acepta el trabajo. Maggie es tímida y lo pasaría francamente mal en el imperio del sexo si no fuera por Luisa, una compañera que le enseña los trucos del oficio hasta convertirla en la muy solicitada Irina Palm. Pero la doble vida de Maggie no pasa inadvertida a sus vecinos y deberá enfrentarse a la doble moral provinciana y hacerse serias preguntas.