Already bent by the demands of his home life - fatherhood, a faltering marriage, and a submerged mortgage - a tradesman struggles to balance his own appetites and expectations with those of a friend in need. "Everything Strange and New" is an intimate portrait of ordinary people and their longing for certainty in uncertain times.Wayne is a carpenter, no longer young but uneasy with the emotional complexities of adulthood. Aimless hours spent with Leo, his newly-divorced drinking buddy, offer some relief to the heavy gravity at home, where his kids run roughshod over his increasingly unstable wife. Living between these worlds leaves Wayne feeling like a character in someone else's story. Ultimately, a violent spasm rouses him from this fevered American dream.
Mr. Jordan
A story about the transformative friendship between four young kids experiencing the fun and torment of living in a rural town, while questioning and exploring their sexual identities.
Man #1
Steven Spurrier, un británico expatriado que vive en París y propietario de una tienda de vinos, pone en marcha un plan para demostrar a los parisienses la calidad de los vinos provenientes de otras partes del mundo. Pullman y Rickman dan vida a una historia real en la que dos soñadores consiguen que en 1976 un vino criado en el Valle de Napa triunfe en un concurso en Francia y sitúe para siempre a la localidad de Calistoga en el mapa de los amantes del buen beber.
When John takes his San Francisco friends to his deceased uncle's remote ranch to hunt wild pigs, it seems like a typical guys weekend with guns - despite the presence of John's sexy girlfriend Brooks. But as John and his crew trek deeper into the forest, they begin tracking the awful truth about his uncle's demise and the legend of The Ripper -- a murderous three-thousand-pound black boar!
Dick Harper, después de años de duro trabajo, es por fin ascendido a vicepresidente en Globodyne, empresa líder a nivel mundial en la consolidación de propiedades de medios de comunicación. Pero, al día siguiente de su nombramiento, un escándalo tipo Enron arruina la empresa. Entonces Dick y su mujer Jane ven horrorizados cómo su lujosa casa, sus ostentosos coches e incluso sus amistades se desvanecen como por arte de magia.
Tweek City is a week in the life of Bill, a potentially closeted, half-Latino, small-time speed dealer in San Francisco's Mission District. Bill is stuck on an endless walk from one empty experience to the next. Only Bill's friend Jerm has the ability to connect and ground him in reality. When Jerm makes an ill-advised stage dive, Bill plunges into a downward spiral that takes him on a nocturnal journey through the streets of San Francisco and ultimately down to Los Angeles where he crashes his high school sweetheart's wedding. From his sleep-deprived, hallucinogenic state, Bill fails miserably in a desperate attempt to reconnect with his first and only love. With nowhere else to go, Bill jacks a car and ends up at the deserted drive-in theater of his childhood where he is forced to confront the ghosts that he had tried to leave behind.
Vince Esparza
Historia política ambientada en una pequeña localidad de Colorado durante la campaña de las elecciones para gobernador. Un inesperado y molesto cadáver en el lago será el motor de una trama que desvela las corrupciones y miserias de la vida política estadounidense.
Joel Rosario
Celebrated graffiti artists 'Heir' and 'Vain' are superstars in the underground world of San Francisco's Mission District; urban outlaws always on the run. After a clash with the law, they find their lives spinning out-of-control with explosive consequences.
Man of Wisdom
Night Passage is a digital film on friendship and death. Made in homage to Miyazawa Kenji's classic novel, Milky Way Railroad, the story evolves around the spiritual journey of a young woman, in the company of her best friend and a little boy, into a world of rich in-between realities. Their venture into and out of the land of "awakened dreams" occurs during a long ride on a night train. The filmmaker elegantly depicts each encounter in two-dimensional space with a unique artistic gesture and ingeniously frames the passage as a series of rhythmic image sequensces as seen through the window of a train.
Mr. Z
Un marine jubilado y una drag queen son dos vecinos que no pueden soportarse, pero el azar los convertirá en profesor y alumno. Walt Koontz (De Niro) es un hombre de acción, ultraconservador, y orgulloso de serlo. Su vecino Rusty (Seymour Hoffman), una drag queen extravagante, es la antítesis de Walt. Una noche, Walt oye un alboroto en el piso de arriba y sube con su viejo revólver dispuesto a ayudar y a actuar como un héroe si es preciso, pero, inesperadamente, recibe una paliza brutal. A regañadientes acepta un programa de rehabilitación que incluye dar lecciones de canto con Rusty.
Un detective privado consigue mantener dignamente a su familia ocupándose de resolver casos sencillos e irrelevantes. Pero, de repente, su vida cambia radicalmente cuando, durante la investigación de un caso, queda atrapado dentro de un sórdido mundo de espeluznantes snuff-movies.
Human Buffet
Originally produced for PBS's Great Performances Series, La Pastorela is a musical retelling of the shepherds' journey to Bethlehem to see the Christ Child. We see the tale through the eyes of a modern young girl, the oldest child in a large rural Tex-Mex family. During a surrealistic dream, which brings to mind "The Wizard of Oz," the young chicana makes a fantastical journey with the shepherds and along the way; witnesses the triumph of God's Angels over Satan's diablo's. Full of drama, comedy, fantasy and wonderful music; this is a rare film the whole family can enjoy together.