Christine Williams


You'll Never Find Me
During a rampaging storm, a shaken young woman arrives at a stranger's door in an RV park seeking shelter. They both question motives and desires as things escalate to a deadly, bizarre showdown.
In the Blood
The story of Selina, a vampire who returns to a remote farmstead to destroy the last vestiges of her humanity — her long abandoned son.
My Best Friend Is Stuck on the Ceiling
Connor, secretly in love with his best friend Rach, has gotten her a pretty cool birthday present. Something that's sure to knock her off her feet. But, when things take a sharply peculiar turn, Connor begins to wonder whether he would have been better off just getting a gift voucher.
Road Train
Production Coordinator
Un grupo de jóvenes que viajan en un tren es amenazado por el conductor del mismo, que parece tener algo de sobrenatural.
El arrecife
Production Coordinator
Un grupo de amigos se encuentra navegando por la gran barrera de coral "Great Barrier Reef", el arrecife de corales más grande de todo el mundo en Australia, pero su embarcación vuelca y deciden nadar hasta la costa todos juntos... cuando un tiburón blanco les empieza a perseguir.