Dominic Comperatore

Nacimiento : 1969-05-29, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


Dominic Comperatore is an actor.


Dominic Comperatore


El buen alemán
En 1945, terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Jake Geismar (George Clooney), un corresponsal de guerra norteamericano, vuelve a Berlín para informar sobre la Conferencia de Postdam, que reunirá a Truman, Churchill y Stalin. Al mismo tiempo, se ve envuelto en un turbulento asunto por intentar ayudar a Lena Brandt (Cate Blanchett), una antigua amante, cuyo marido es buscado tanto por los americanos como por los rusos.
A motley group of astronauts travel unimaginable distances across time and space on a quest for a glimpse of something beyond known reality.
P90X - Plyometrics
Plyometrics is a series of drills designed to connect strength with speed to produce power. Also known as "jump training," this technique emerged in Eastern Europe in the early 1970s. Coined by American track coach Fred Will, the term derives from the Latin plyo+metrics, or "measurable increases." Plyometrics training relates to any activity that requires speed and strength, as it improves your ability to run faster, jump higher, and maneuver in multidirectional sports. If your game involves a court, field, track, mat, pool, ring, rink, or mountain, plyometrics can help.