Alex Zisis

Alex Zisis


Alex Zisis


Suficiente coraje (la vuelta)
Dr. Guzmán
Un hombre que creció exiliado en Venezuela regresa a su Chile natal para vengar la muerte de su padre. Mientras tanto, una mujer huyó a Venezuela con la esperanza de encontrar una vida mejor en Chile. Ella es limpiadora en un hospital durante el día y bailarina en un club nocturno de Santiago por la noche, y paga un lugar para vivir con sexo.
El Derechazo
Pablo Corteira
When Bruno, a filmmaker overwhelmed by alimony, receives an ultimatum from his editor to find a subject that help them with ratings, a political candidate appears.
Extranjero es la historia de David (Sergio Díaz), un joven de Santiago que llega hasta Valparaíso para visitar a su padre (Alex Zisis), con quien tiene algunas cuentas pendientes desde hace años, el choque entre ambos será inevitable a medida que se vayan descubriendo asuntos familiares y los motivos de la visita.
As two families celebrate the engagement of their children, one of the lovers unearths a family secret.
El baño
Twenty years of Chile in a bathroom. This movie is a fiction that showcases from a security camera, all the cultural and social changes in Chile between the years 1968 and 1988.
Mi famosa desconocida
Alberto Lecaros
A Chilean maid wins a big tv show prize, changing therefore her life forever. Now she must face different kinds of tribulations that would force her to show she is worth for what she is and not for what she has.
El hombre que imaginaba
A Reality Show TV host tired of the sensationalist routine of this kind of programs and confident in his powerful Imagination, dreams in writing the most original story in the world
A Chilean exile leaves his Swedish partner to return to Chile. There he meets his old love, Consuelo.