Peter Pasco

Peter Pasco


Peter Pasco


An American mother searches for her daughter who was kidnapped by human traffickers in Central America.
Faced with an emergency, a group of young Black and Latino friends weigh the pros and cons of calling the police.
Ethan (Moving Guy #1)
Joe is moving in with his girlfriend - which means having to get rid of his old treasured couch, a symbol of his bachelorhood. When he begins to change his mind about moving in with her, his couch comes alive to show him the real 'cushion' in his life.
Baby Blue
A father comes of age when he learns that he can no longer dictate the course of his daughter's life.
Dwyane Evert
Una profesora de instituto es testigo presencial del asesinato de un joven estudiante y, aunque en un principio no piensa en denunciarlo por miedo, el asesino intentará matarla para evitar ir a la cárcel ya que ella es la única que puede testificar en su contra. (FILMAFFINITY)
Herbie: A tope
Juan Hernandez
Maggie Peyton (Lindsay Lohan), la nueva propietaria del Número 53, el desenfrenado Herbie (el Volkswagen que piensa por su cuenta), decide competir en la categoría ASCAR. Con los nuevos trucos que esconde Herbie bajo el capó, intentará entrar en el libro de los récords.
Caution to the Wind
Summer, a teen prostitute has lived on the streets of Los Angeles most of her life. Living in a condemned apartment on the wrong side of the tracks with her naive boyfriend. Summer dreams of the day when she will leave town. After a bout with an abusive client and an altercation with a belligerent pimp, she finds a personal truth that cannot be ignored: There is always someone worth living for.