A covert group of vigilantes known as The Order dedicate their lives to eliminating violent threats and imminent disasters, but discover that one threat they face, is being lead by some of their very own.
Cowboys and Samurai do battle.
A pair of small time thieves bungle their biggest heist, get pulled into a scheme of deadly deceit and ultimately stumble onto a second chance to redeem themselves.
Billy Jack
In a little town of Texas, USA., a powerful storm causes the return among the livings of a dangerous serial killer, Jason V., assassinated by a Vietnar War veteran during an ambush. A furious, bloody and deadly carnage follows.
Farkas "Bulk" Bulkmeier
Los Turbo Power Rangers deben enfrentarse, en esta ocasión, a la diabólica y malvada pirata espacial Diratox, que ha raptado a un sabio y amable alien...
Farkas "Bulk" Bulkmeier
Los Power Rangers viajan a distancia del mundo para salvar a su líder, Zordon. De repente, los chicos pierden sus poderes. Los Power deben obtener una nueva y poderosa fuerza, para lo cual contarán con la ayuda de la bella guerrera Dulcea, que les enseñará el antiguo arte del Ninjetti.