Ronald Ross


Ronald Ross is an actor and stuntman.


Dos policías rebeldes
Un alijo de heroína valorada en unos 100 millones de dólares es robado del mismísimo depósito de la policía. El caso le será asignado a los agentes Burnett y Lowery, una pareja muy peculiar por los métodos que utilizan. La única pista que tienen para comenzar es la de un testigo que les ayudará a identificar a los atracadores y a la que tendrán que proteger.
Este muerto está muy vivo
Man at Table
Dos jóvenes empleados de una compañía de seguros, Larry y Richard, se van a la costa a pasar tranquilamente el primer lunes de septiembre, el Día del Trabajo. Larry y Richard se han comportado como empleados modélicos, y han descubierto un importante plan en el que se pensaba realizar un importante desfalco en la empresa donde trabajan. El director de la compañía, Bernie Lomax, les recompensa invitándoles a una casa que posee en Hampton, una zona muy lujosa de la costa de Long Island. Bernie sería el anfitrión ideal... si no fuera por un pequeño detalle: está muerto.
Burning Vengeance
A vigilante is driven to rage after he loses his wife, daughter, and both siblings in the same year. All while recovering from plastic surgery.
Burning Vengeance
A vigilante is driven to rage after he loses his wife, daughter, and both siblings in the same year. All while recovering from plastic surgery.
Burning Vengeance
A vigilante is driven to rage after he loses his wife, daughter, and both siblings in the same year. All while recovering from plastic surgery.
Burning Vengeance
A vigilante is driven to rage after he loses his wife, daughter, and both siblings in the same year. All while recovering from plastic surgery.
Burning Vengeance
Joe Luna
A vigilante is driven to rage after he loses his wife, daughter, and both siblings in the same year. All while recovering from plastic surgery.
KGB: The Secret War
Man With Prostitute
A KGB spy in Los Angeles is recruited by a U.S. agent after being double-crossed by the KGB.
Stoney el frio
Stoney Cooper ha dejado de ser un duro policía de Los Angeles para convertirse en un detective privado que tiene entre manos un caso que conmociona la ciudad: persigue a un asesino en serie que ha grabado una X en la frente de cada una de sus diecisiete víctimas, que son siempre mujeres. Sus métodos nunca fueron demasiado bien vistos, pero a los que fueron antes sus colegas del lado de la ley no les gusta que Stoney avance más en sus investigaciones que ellos, por lo que le presionan en demasía, sobre todo el que fuera su antiguo compañero, Otto Hoxley.
Joyride to Nowhere
Teenage friends Cindy and Leah have decided to leave their abusive homelives behind, stealing Cindy's father's car and setting out on the road to freedom. On the way, they meet up with a sleazy guy named Tank who invites them up to his place. As Tank showers, the two girls decide to take off, stealing Tank's wallet and his car. His car, however, happens to contain $2 million from a bank job he just pulled off, and Tank is now rather intent on tracking the pair down and reclaiming what's his.
Joyride to Nowhere
Teenage friends Cindy and Leah have decided to leave their abusive homelives behind, stealing Cindy's father's car and setting out on the road to freedom. On the way, they meet up with a sleazy guy named Tank who invites them up to his place. As Tank showers, the two girls decide to take off, stealing Tank's wallet and his car. His car, however, happens to contain $2 million from a bank job he just pulled off, and Tank is now rather intent on tracking the pair down and reclaiming what's his.
Joyride to Nowhere
Teenage friends Cindy and Leah have decided to leave their abusive homelives behind, stealing Cindy's father's car and setting out on the road to freedom. On the way, they meet up with a sleazy guy named Tank who invites them up to his place. As Tank showers, the two girls decide to take off, stealing Tank's wallet and his car. His car, however, happens to contain $2 million from a bank job he just pulled off, and Tank is now rather intent on tracking the pair down and reclaiming what's his.
Joyride to Nowhere
Teenage friends Cindy and Leah have decided to leave their abusive homelives behind, stealing Cindy's father's car and setting out on the road to freedom. On the way, they meet up with a sleazy guy named Tank who invites them up to his place. As Tank showers, the two girls decide to take off, stealing Tank's wallet and his car. His car, however, happens to contain $2 million from a bank job he just pulled off, and Tank is now rather intent on tracking the pair down and reclaiming what's his.
La carrera de la muerte del año 2000
Stunt Coordinator
En las Provincias Unidas de America sus habitantes, cansados ya de tantas guerras y de la gran depresión económica que sufren, celebran todos los años una popular y brutal carrera automovilística trascontinental considerada por muchos, como un deporte nacional donde todos los participantes obtienen una puntuación al ir atropellando a las personas, y ganando aquel que obtenga una mayor puntuación quien más personas haya atropellado.Uno de sus participantes, el legendario campeón Frankenstein, se enfrenta en esta ocasión contra Joe "Ametralladora" Biterbo, peligroso rival dispuesto a todo con tal de ganar.Al margen de esta confrontación, Frankenstein tiene otro objetivo muy diferente que el simple hecho de obtener una nueva victoria en esta peligrosa competición.