A magical adventure inspired by the Chronicles of Narnia, Walt Disney animated musicals and the parables by Jesus Christ "Strawinsky and the mysterious house" tells the story of four talking animals that discover a hidden mansion in the middle of a secret forest. They start exploring the house and encounter strange inhabitants such as a depressed cello, a manic troll and an overweight creature that is addicted to the books in its basement. As Strawinsky - the hero of the story - tries to solve the mysteries surrounding the house, his friends get trapped in the underground library. It's up to Strawinsky to find a way to break the dark spell and help his friends to escape from the evil lurking within the mysterious house.
So, un discípulo del Dr. Wong que fue fundador de una escuela de kung-fu y un hospital en China, establece una sucursal de la escuela en el barrio chino de San Francisco, en plena fiebre del oro. Para ver qué tal le va, Wong viaja a América pero, por desgracia, un desafortunado accidente le provoca un terrible ataque de amnesia. A partir de entonces, se producen una serie de situaciones que acabarán convirtiendo al maestro de artes marciales en el primer maestro de kung-fu del salvaje oeste...