Cora Szielasko-Schulz


The Mystery of the Trojan Horse
Production Manager
The story of the Trojan Horse is probably one of the most famous stories ever told: after ten years of bloody war, the Greek coalition decides to lift the siege and depart, but not before leaving at the gates a huge wooden horse, which the Trojans confidently lead into the city. A few hours later, the once invincible Troy goes up in flames. What exactly happened? Is this myth true or false?
Brot und Spiele – Wagenrennen im alten Rom
Surveyors of the Earth
Production Director
If, at first, human being used stars to find its bearings, mankind can nowadays count on science to measure the Earth at a millimetric scale. Because land surveying of our planet is still in full swing. Satellites, cameras or drones : technology progress allows the scientists to explore it all. They can measure oceans, volcanoes, or even the atmosphere. But scientists are walking a tightrope, torned between their desire to gather more and more informations, and a population concerned about personal data's protection. This documentary shows a glimpse of actual scientifical research, and interrogate numerous scientists about the interest of land surveying in their specific field of research.
Aníbal. Marcha sobre Roma
Production Director
Incluso hoy en día se considera una de las mayores hazañas militares de la historia. En el 218 a. C., un ejército cartaginés de noventa mil hombres y tres docenas de elefantes se dispuso a cruzar los Alpes para desafiar el poder de Roma. La ruta exacta elegida por Hannibal, su carismático comandante, ha sido un tema de controversia desde entonces. Ahora, los investigadores creen que podrían rastrear su ruta.