Director Stanislav Stanojevic's award-winning drama tells eight stories of people whose human rights have been violated by their governments. Set in Zaire, Uruguay and several European countries, the stories all take place on November 10, 1983. Starring Juliette Andres, Anamaria Castro and Laurence Wistoursky, the film depicts the struggle of unjustly persecuted people trying to hold on to their dignity.
A blind, paralyzed president uses his remarkable hearing and his corrupt daughter to keep his country in line. His beautiful, clever daughter works her own agenda while striving to be the equal of men. She appoints herself Chief of Firefighters and then commits arson to ensure that her job is needed.
La acción transcurre en Sudamérica, en una mina que explota un cruel capitán casado con una bella mujer llamada Consuelo (Claudine Auger). Un joven, Jonathan (Christopher Mitchum), se presenta para trabajar en el yacimiento. El médico que trabaja en la explotación le aconseja que abandone esa idea por ser peligrosa para la salud. Jonathan desoye las advertencias y finalmente es seleccionado como minero. Una historia de violación y venganza se entrelaza con la narración de las peripecias de Jonathan, que intenta salir indemne del peligro que le acecha y alcanzar sus sueños.