Jasmina Parent

Jasmina Parent


Jasmina Parent


Montréal Girls
A Middle-Eastern medical school student, new to Montreal, puts his relationship with his father at risk when he forfeits his education after being forever changed by two young women who help him see his destiny.
A queer culture expression, “U-Hauling” refers to newly formed lesbian couples moving in almost straight after they get together.The sweet romance often turns nightmarish if the couple splits up, which ultimately leads to a sudden, often drama-filled move out.
Assassinaut es una película de aventuras de ciencia ficción sobre una niña que desafía el desierto alienígena de un planeta lejano para salvar al presidente de la Tierra de un astronauta asesino.
Belle groupie
A sus 16 años, Tim es un joven tímido, brillante y con un talento deportivo natural. Víctima de acoso escolar e incapaz de aceptar su orientación sexual, plantará cara a sus acosadores tras un trágico suceso que marcará profundamente su vida y le empujará a desafiar sus propios límites.
Yanni, a teenage quebecer of algerian descent, lives in a small town with his single mother. When a muslim family moves into town, he is forced by Nicolas, his bully, to commit a hateful act towards them. To Nicolas, this may only be a sick joke, but for Yanni it is the opportunity to prove to his opressor that he is on his side, hoping to not be his victim anymore. This film also tells the story of a teenager in search of his identity, lost between his origins and his adoptive country