Una mujer es secuestrada en pleno día y es torturada en un hospital psiquiátrico. Un periodista consigue seguir el caso e intentará encontrar la verdad.
1933. Corea está ocupada por los japoneses. Un grupo de exiliados rebeldes planea matar a un comandante nipón, pero la única asesina que puede hacerse cargo de tan delicada tarea está en la cárcel. La resistencia se dispone a sacarla de prisión, cuando un espía alerta a los japoneses, acelerando un entramado de traiciones.
Psychiatrist Joon-sang is a well-known doctor. He is level-headed with his patients, but he's got a painful past. He'd witnessed his wife kill herself because she was raped. He'd suffered insomnia along with guilt and sadness until a beautiful girl Ji-soo comes along. She tells him every man who's loved her died and that someone was watching her. She seduces Joon-sang. A detective suspects Ji-soo to be involved with a recent murder case and asks Joon-sang for her medical records... Falling in love with something dangerous and the end of which is unknown!
The children are busy. The daughter has got divorced and is now taking care of her autistic son. The oldest son has lost his job and is busy finding another job. The youngest son doesn't have a decent job but manages to get by through driving a delivery truck and working as a chauffeur. Their parents don't blame their children for not calling or visiting on their mother's birthday.
A gangster is chosen to become a shaman. How can he balance his totally opposite life, between beating people and helping people. Then, his boss coincidentally hates shaman.
In a recession-battered Seoul, a young man in the dodgy relocation business must deal with loan sharks and aggrieved parties owed large sums by his vanished entrepreneur mother. Director Kim Joong-hyun gradually turns up the heat and watches his characters boil in this intelligent and nuanced feature debut.
Her lover has never taken a dangerous risk in his life. She has been for seven years and is going to get married next month. One day she meets a handsome stranger, who asked her to spend one day with him. It might be a mistake to accept his proposal, but over the next day she will experience a level of excitement and intimacy, she has never experienced before, and this could change her life all of sudden.
Tae-suk es un indigente que lleva una vida espectral. Ocupa temporalmente viviendas cuyos habitantes sabe que están ausentes. No roba ni ocasiona daños en los hogares de sus involuntarios anfitriones. En realidad, es una especie de fantasma que duerme en camas ajenas, come algo de las neveras de esos extraños y retribuye su forzada hospitalidad haciendo la colada o arreglando alguna que otra avería doméstica. Sun-hwa, que en tiempos fue una hermosa modelo, se ha visto convertida en una sombra viviente por un marido que la maltrata, encerrándola en una casa ostentosa. El destino cruza los caminos de Tae-suk y Sun-hwa, aunque sus existencias están abocadas a no dejar huella en el mundo. Se conocen cuando Tae-suk entra en casa de Sun-hwa, y en seguida saben que son almas gemelas. Como si estuvieran unidos por vínculos invisibles, descubren que no pueden separarse y aceptan en silencio su nuevo y extraño destino.