Paul Green


The Asylum
Plagued by endless visions and nightmares, Jenny Adams suspects that, as a child, she was responsible for the brutal murder of her own mother.
Ricardo III
Inglaterra, 1930. Versión actualizada del drama homónimo de Shakespeare. Ricardo III, un hombre al que la naturaleza le ha negado todo encanto físico, vive dominado por la ambición de poder. La conspiración, el crimen y el engaño son sus armas naturales; y la piedad, la compasión y la amistad sólo artimañas para someter a quienes le rodean.
Burning Secret
While recuperating in a sanatorium in the mountains, a young boy becomes very close friends with an older baron. But the baron is only using the boy to get to know his mother, the wife of an older diplomat. When the boy realises the baron’s intentions, he becomes jealous, moody and depressed.
The Missionary
In 1905, after 10 years of missionary work in Africa, the Rev. Charles Fortesque is recalled to England, where his bishop gives him his new assignment - to minister to London's prostitutes.
Brimstone & Treacle
A strange young man has a sinister effect on the family of a middle-aged writer.