Arthur Edeson

Arthur Edeson

Nacimiento : 1891-10-24, New York City, New York, USA

Muerte : 1970-02-14


From Wikipedia Arthur Edeson, A.S.C. (October 24, 1891 – February 14, 1970) was a film cinematographer, born in New York City. He was nominated for three Academy Awards in his career in cinema. Edeson began his career as a still photographer, but turned to movies in 1911 as a camera operator at the American Éclair Studio in Fort Lee, New Jersey when it and many other early film studios in America's first motion picture industry were based there at the beginning of the 20th century. When the Éclair Studio was reorganized as the World Film Company, he was promoted to chief cinematographer assigned to the star Clara Kimball Young. Throughout the twenties, Edeson photographed a number of important films, including Douglas Fairbanks' Robin Hood (1922) and The Thief of Bagdad (1924), and the ground breaking special effects film The Lost World (1925). When sound came in, Edeson experimented with camouflaging the microphones in exterior shots. In Old Arizona (1929), the first sound film to be shot outside a studio, provided evidence to Hollywood executives that talking pictures need not be confined to the sound stage. The western was also the first film to be made in the 70mm widescreen process, known as "Fox Grandeur". In the early thirties, perhaps his most memorable creative partnership was formed with director James Whale, for whom he photographed the first three of Whale's quartet of horror films: Frankenstein (1931), The Old Dark House (1932), and The Invisible Man (1933). His principal work was on the side of realism, which is considered by most film historians to represent the "zenith of Hollywood photography." Edeson built on the influence of German Expressionism, brought to the America cinema by German cinematographers during the 1920s. In 1919, Edeson was one of the founders of the American Society of Cinematographers.


Arthur Edeson


The Fighting O'Flynn
Director of Photography
A swashbuckling Irishman opposes French agents during the Napoleonic wars.
Two Guys from Texas
Director of Photography
Two vaudevillians on the run from crooks try to pass themselves off as cowboys.
My Wild Irish Rose
Director of Photography
Musical biography of Irish 19th century tenor Chauncey Olcott.
Stallion Road
Director of Photography
A veterinarian and a novelist compete for the heart of a lady rancher.
The Time, The Place and The Girl
Director of Photography
The stuffy manager of lovely opera singer Vicki Cassel and her uncle, a classical conductor, is determined to close down the noisy nightclub next door to the Cassels' home. The club's owners--Steve, a handsome ladies' man, and Jeff, his clownish sidekick--hatch a plan to keep the club open. Steve arranges to meet--and woo--Vicki and then invite her and her uncle to the club. When Vicki's snobbish aunt and the manager discover that Vicki now favors popular music over the classics, they arrange to get the club closed. But that doesn't keep Steve and Jeff down. Instead, they decide to put on a Broadway show if they can get a backer. They find their "angel" in Vicki's uncle who agrees to finance the show only if Vicki is the leading lady. But again, Vicki's aunt and manager may be the spoiler in everyone's plans.
Nunca te alejes de mí
Director of Photography
Phil y Ellen Gayley llevan divorciados un año. Su hija de 8 años, Flip, se siente muy desgraciada porque sus padres no están juntos. Así, comienza a cartearse con un marino, enviándole una foto de su guapa madre. Cuando el marino aparece para conocerla, Ellen aprovecha la oportunidad para dar celos a su ex-marido.
Nadie vive para siempre
Director of Photography
Un estafador se enamora de una rica viuda a la que pretendía desplumar.
Two Guys from Milwaukee
Director of Photography
Balkan Prince Henry has two wishes, to meet Lauren Bacall and see the "real" America. He befriends cabbie Buzz Williams and, without knowing the microphone is live, the two stage a debate on democracy versus monarchy broadcast back to the Prince's homeland. A plebiscite there puts Henry out of a job. Flying to Milwaukee to become a beer salesman, he meets Bacall on the seat next to his, but a tap on his shoulder means he must give up his seat (and dream) to Bogie.
Tres extraños
Director of Photography
Según una antigua leyenda, si varios desconocidos piden a la vez un deseo al ídolo chino Kwan Yin, éste abre los ojos y los hace realidad. Crystal Shackleford decide averiguar qué hay de cierto en todo esto. Para ello, reúne en la calle a dos extraños con problemas diferentes y les propone pedir un deseo la noche en la que comienza el nuevo año chino.
The conspirators
Director of Photography
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundiial (1939-1945), el holandés Vincent Van Der Lyn, se ve obligado a huir a la neutral Lisboa para escapar de los nazis. Allí conoce a un pequeño grupo de conspiradores, cuyo líder Ricardo Quintanilla, que sabe que entre ellos hay un espía de los nazis, pide ayuda a Van Der Lyn para identificar al traidor.
La máscara de Dimitrios
Director of Photography
Un escritor holandés que cultiva el género policíaco investiga el misterioso pasado de un personaje que fue ladrón, asesino y espía. Sus averiguaciones lo sumergen en una intriga que lo lleva a numerosos países, entre ellos Turquí­a, donde apareció el cadáver del criminal.
Shine on Harvest Moon
Director of Photography
Biographical movie about the early 20th century broadway stars Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth.
Adorables estrellas
Director of Photography
Musical en el que las estrellas de la Warner cantan una serie de canciones para animar a los soldados americanos que estaban combatiendo en la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945).
Director of Photography
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Casablanca era una ciudad a la que llegaban huyendo del nazismo gentes de todas partes: llegar era fácil, pero salir era casi imposible, especialmente si el nombre del fugitivo figuraba en las listas de la Gestapo. En esta ocasión el principal objetivo de la policía secreta alemana es el líder checo y héroe de la resistencia Victor Laszlo, cuya única esperanza es Rick Blaine, propietario del 'Rick’s Café' y antiguo amante de su mujer, Ilsa. Cuando Ilsa se ofrece a quedarse a cambio de un visado para sacar a Laszlo del país, Rick deberá elegir entre su propia felicidad o el idealismo que rigió su vida en el pasado.
A través del Pacífico
Director of Photography
Bogart interpreta a un oficial de artillería del ejército nortamericano que, en 1941, tras un juicio militar, cae en desgracia y decide abandonar el país. Consigue un trabajo en América Central, pero cuando está a punto de irse descubre que los japoneses proyectan atacar el Canal de Panamá y las bases americanas en Pearl Harbor.
El macho
Director of Photography
Los miembros del Consejo Rector de la Universidad Midwestern han expulsado a tres profesores por sospechar que puedan ser comunistas. El consejero Ed Keller (Eugene Pallette) también ha amenazado con la expulsión a Tommy Turner (Henry Fonda), el profesor de literatura, que tiene previsto leer en su clase un texto que puede resultar sospechoso. Pero no es eso lo que más molesta al profesor Turner, sino el hecho de que su propia esposa, Ellen (Olivia De Havilland) también opine que no debe de leer el controvertido texto. Mientras tanto, Joe Ferguson (Jack Carson), un antiguo novio de Ellen se ha presentado a hacerles una visita durante el fin de semana, lo que ha causado cierta preocupación a Tommy...
El halcón maltés
Director of Photography
Un detective privado es abordado por una misteriosa mujer, que dice estar amenazada. Pero tanto el perseguidor como el hombre encargado de su protección aparecen muertos. Todo parece girar alrededor de una estatua de un halcón de valor incalculable.
El Sargento York
Additional Photography
Alvin C. York es un joven y trabajador campesino que vive en una de las numerosas granjas de los montes de Cumberland, en el estado de Tennessee. Sólo tiene un defecto: la bebida. Alvin está enamorado de una muchacha, cuya familia de clase alta impide el matrimonio. Basada en hechos reales.
Kisses for Breakfast
Director of Photography
A newlywed develops amnesia and can't remember his wife.
Lady with Red Hair
Director of Photography
An actress hopes to regain her lost son by making it to the top.
Tugboat Annie Sails Again
Director of Photography
Two rival tugboat captains compete for local business.
La pasión ciega
Director of Photography
Joe y Paul Fabrini son dos hermanos que tratan de abrirse camino por su cuenta como camioneros. Tras unos duros comienzos, las cosas comienzan a ir bien, pero la ambición de Joe y la aparición de una mujer obsesionada con él hará que todo se complique.
Castle on the Hudson
Director of Photography
A hardened crook behind bars comes up against a reform-minded warden.
Kid Nightingale
Director of Photography
A waiter becomes a singing prizefighter.
No Place to Go
Director of Photography
An elderly war veteran feels lonely and unwanted while living with his son and daughter-in-law, but he learns his life still has purpose when he befriends a neighborhood child with a troubled family life.
Muero cada amanecer
Director of Photography
Aunque inocente, el reportero Frank Ross es declarado culpable de asesinato y es enviado a la cárcel. Mientras sus amigos del periódico tratan de averiguar quien lo engañó, Frank se va endureciendo por la vida en prisión y su optimismo se convierte en amargura.
Sweepstakes Winner
Director of Photography
A scatterbrained waitress invests her inheritance in a broken-down race horse and a sweepstakes ticket.
Nancy Drew... Reporter
Director of Photography
Mientras participa en un concurso del periódico local en el que se les pide a los escolares que envíen una noticia, la hija del abogado local Carson Drew, Nancy, intercepta una asignación de historia real. Ella "cubre" la investigación de la muerte de una mujer que fue envenenada. Nancy no cree que la joven acusada del crimen sea culpable y acorrala a su vecino Ted para que busque una evidencia vital y tropieza con la identidad del verdadero asesino.
Wings of the Navy
Director of Photography
Dos hermanos pilotos de aviación se disputan la misma mujer.
Mr. Chump
A naive young trumpet player inadvertently becomes involved with bank embezzlers. Comedy.
Racket Busters
Director of Photography
A trucker with a pregnant wife fights a New York mobster's protection racket.
Cowboy from Brooklyn
Director of Photography
A singing cowboy turns out to be a tenderfoot.
The Kid Comes Back
Director of Photography
A ring veteran turns a Texas tenderfoot into a winning fighter.
Swing Your Lady
Director of Photography
Promoter Ed Hatch comes to the Ozarks with his slow-witted wrestler Joe Skopapoulos whom he pits against a hillbilly Amazon blacksmith, Sadie Horn. Joe falls in love with her and won't fight. At least not until Sadie's beau Noah shows up.
Submarine D-1
Director of Photography
Butch Rogers and Sock McGillis are old submarine hands stationed in Panama. On land, Butch and Sock battle over pretty Ann Sawyer. At sea and underwater, however, our two heroes are inseparable.
The Footloose Heiress
Director of Photography
A rich businessman brings home a homeless man who promises to tame his willful 18-year-old daughter.
Mr. Dodd Takes the Air
Director of Photography
A country bumpkin becomes a singing sensation on the radio.
Ellos no olvidarán
Director of Photography
En 1915, una muchacha llamada Mary Clay fue encontrada muerta en una población sureña. La policía detuvo como presunto autor del asesinato a un conserje negro, pero un periódico local comenzó una campaña acusando del homicidio a un hombre blanco de Nueva York llamado Robert Hale, profesor del instituto donde estudiaba Mary.
The Go-Getter
Director of Photography
A Navy veteran with one leg fights to make himself a success.
Gold Diggers of 1937
Director of Photography
The partners of stage-producer J. J. Hobart gamble away the money for his new show. They enlist a gold-digging chorus girl to help get it back by conning an insurance company. But they don’t count on the persistence of insurance man Rosmer Peck and his secretary Norma Perry.
China Clipper
Director of Photography
An aviator ignores skeptics to make the first commercial flight from San Francisco to China.
Hot Money
Director of Photography
Salesman develops a fake stock plan in new invention before it is finished.
Satan Met a Lady
Director of Photography
In the second screen version of The Maltese Falcon, a detective is caught between a lying seductress and a lady jewel thief.
The Golden Arrow
Director of Photography
A fake heiress marries a common reporter to thwart the advances of gold-digging playboys.
Águilas heroicas
Director of Photography
Un piloto de avión especializado en transportar correo, a causa de la niebla, debe emprender un vuelo lleno de dificultades.
La tragedia de la Bounty
Director of Photography
En 1789, en los Mares del Sur, la tripulación del buque británico Bounty decide rebelarse contra el tiránico y cruel capitán Bligh. El motín lo encabeza el primer oficial, que defiende los intereses de la tripulación y abandona al capitán en un bote.
Director of Photography
A mother sends her young son to military school so he won't find out she's been sentenced to a prison term on a framed fraud charge.
While the Patient Slept
Director of Photography
A murder happens when greedy relatives gather to await the demise of their wealthy and very ill family patriarch.
Devil Dogs of the Air
Director of Photography
Two Marine pilots vie for romance and glory.
Maybe It's Love
Director of Photography
Director William C. McGann's 1935 film stars Gloria Stuart and Ross Alexander as a young couple in love who face economic woes once they're wed.
Here Comes the Navy
Director of Photography
A cocky guy joins the Navy for the wrong reason but finds romance and twice is cited for heroism.
The Merry Frinks
Director of Photography
An heiress abandons an out-of-work husband, two sons and a lovesick daughter.
Director of Photography
Joe Palooka is a naive young man whose father Pete was a champion boxer, but his lifestyle caused Joe's mother Mayme to leave him and to take young Joe to the country to raise him.
His Double Life
Director of Photography
Priam Farrel is a celebrated artist but a social recluse. When his valet dies of a sudden illness, a mix-up leads to the body being identified as Farrel's. The timid artist then assumes the identity of his former servant, but finds himself faced with constant dilemmas as a result.
El hombre invisible
Director of Photography
Adaptación de una novela de H.G. Wells sobre un hombre que posee la facultad de hacerse invisible.
The Big Brain
Director of Photography
A small-town barber finds himself short of stature but a giant in the world of stock promotion. As his bank account grows, Stone's ethics diminish, and soon he's playing fast and loose with other people's money. Disgruntled investor Fay Wray is the one who finally blows the whistle on the prevaricating hair-snipper.
Su última pelea
Director of Photography
El boxeador Jimmy Dolan mata accidentalmente a un hombre en una fiesta y huye. Se esconde en un centro para chicos inválidos, donde empezará a perder su cinismo, bajo la influencia de los niños y de Peggy y Mrs Moore, quienes dirigen el centro. Cuando un detective lo reconoce, deberá decidir si escapar o reconocer su culpabilidad delante de los niños.
A Study in Scarlet
Director of Photography
In London, a secret society led by lawyer Thaddeus Merrydew collects the assets of any of its deceased members and divides them among the remaining members. Society members start dropping like flies. Sherlock Holmes is approached by member James Murphy's widow, who is miffed at being left penniless by her husband. When Captain Pyke is shot, Holmes keys in on his mysterious Chinese widow as well as the shady Merrydew. Other members keep dying: Malcom Dearing first, then Mr. Baker. There is also an attempt on the life of young Eileen Forrester, who became a reluctant society member upon the death of her father. Holmes' uncanny observations and insights are put to the test.
The Constant Woman
Director of Photography
A mother abandons her family only to become a crispy critter with her lover, the husband finds out about it AND that his son isn't really his, becomes an alcoholic, is being held prisoner in a speak-easy, is rescued by 'Beef', is sobered up, gets a good job, negotiates a great contract for lots 'o money, realizes he's in love, asks the girl to marry him, son returns from boarding school and freaks out when told this, runs off and joins the circus that now happens to catch fire.....
Director of Photography
Un alemán de mente llana y modales toscos está perdidamente enamorado de una joven, a su vez fascinada por un hombre poco recomendable.
Tierra de pasión
Director of Photography
Un matrimonio llega a una plantación de caucho en Indochina, regentada por un hombre duro, al mismo tiempo que una aventurera. Surge así un peligroso triangulo amoroso.
El caserón de las sombras
Director of Photography
Debido a una tormenta, unos viajeros que pretenden llegar en automóvil a Shrewsbury, se ven obligados a refugiarse en un viejo caserón. Los habitantes del lugar, dos hermanos y un mayordomo mudo, les dan cobijo, pero la casa encierra algunos misterios.
Those We Love
Director of Photography
Director Robert Florey's 1932 melodrama about a woman who suspects her husband of infidelity stars Mary Astor, Kenneth MacKenna, Tommy Conlon, Lilyan Tashman, Hale Hamilton, Cecil Cunningham and Virginia Sale.
The Last Mile
Director of Photography
Richard Walters is condemned to death for a murder he claims not to have committed. He arrives on death row just before a brutal inmate leads the other convicts in a violent uprising. Walters gets caught up in the riot, while on the outside his friends are trying to find evidence of his innocence.
Fast Companions
Director of Photography
Un delincuente ha decidido regenerarse por completo.
Strangers of the Evening
Director of Photography
Bodies start mysteriously disappearing from the city morgue. An investigator tries to determine what is going on.
The Impatient Maiden
Director of Photography
A maid's dream comes true but are not quite what she expected.
El doctor Frankenstein
Director of Photography
El doctor Henry Von Frankenstein acomete un experimento tenebroso: construir, a partir de fragmentos de cadáveres, un nuevo ser humano. Con la ayuda de su criado Fritz, se adentra durante la noche en los cementerios de la localidad para arrancar a los cadáveres las partes que necesita. Lo que ignora es que el cerebro que ha utilizado en su experimento había pertenecido a un criminal.
Waterloo Bridge
Director of Photography
In World War I London, Myra is an American out-of-work chorus girl making ends meet by picking up men on Waterloo Bridge. During a Zeppelin air raid she meets Roy, a naive young American who enlisted in the Canadian army. After they fall for each other, Roy tricks Myra into visiting his family, who live in a country estate outside London, his mother having remarried to a retired British Major. Myra is reluctant to continue the relationship with Roy, he not aware of her past.
The Man Who Came Back
Director of Photography
A spoiled carefree rich kid gets into too much trouble for his father who sends him out on his own to prove himself capable of making a respectable man of himself.
La gran jornada
Director of Photography
El joven explorador Breck Coleman conduce una caravana a lo largo del peligroso camino a Oregón mientras trata de conseguir el afecto de la hermosa pionera Ruth Cameron y planea su venganza contra los despiadados criminales que asesinaron a un amigo suyo.
Sin novedad en el frente
Director of Photography
Mítica película antibélica que plasma los sentimientos, sensaciones y desilusiones de un grupo de jóvenes estudiantes que son enviados al frente en la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Es una adaptación de la novela homónima del escritor alemán Erich María Remarque. Su estreno provocó enfrentamientos entre nazis y comunistas.
The Cock-Eyed World
Director of Photography
Two Marines are sent to South Sea island where they fight over a local island girl.
En el viejo Arizona
Director of Photography
Cisco Kid (Warner Baxter) es un bandido del Viejo Oeste que anda siempre escapando del sheriff del lugar, Mickey Dunn (Edmund Lowe). El problema viene cuando ambos se enamoran de la misma mujer, Tonia (Dorothy Burgess), la cual ayudará a Dunn a capturar a Cisco Kid, vivo o muerto. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Gorilla
Director of Photography
An ape is suspected of committing a series of murders.
La gran jugada
Director of Photography
Jack Hamill, el pateador y capitán de la Selección de fútbol americano del Shoreham College, ve peligrar su reputación al hacer una inocente visita a una mujer cuyo marido se suicida, y ser falsamente acusado de su asesinato.
The Patent Leather Kid
Director of Photography
The Patent Leather Kid is a 1927 silent film which tells the story of a boxer who scoffs at fighting outside the ring... particularly for the United States once it enters World War I. Eventually, he is drafted, is shipped overseas, and performs a heroic act, which results in his being severely wounded.
Just Another Blonde
Director of Photography
Jimmy O'Connor and Scotty are a couple of New York City gamblers and sharpies who decide to go straight and, since they are such good friends, split 50-50 "even steven" on anything they get or do. Jimmy, a confirmed bachelor, doesn't care for women but Scotty falls in love with Diana O'Sullivan, a Coney Island girl. They decide that Jimmy needs a girlfriend and they opt for Jeannie Cavanaugh. But, following their 50-50 pact, Jimmy, although he has fallen in love with Jeannie, praises Scotty to her.
Subway Sadie
Director of Photography
A New York fur saleswoman falls for a man she meets on the subway and must decide if she wants to accept a much dreamed for work transfer to Paris, or stay and get married.
Sweet Daddies
Director of Photography
Stage comedian Patrick O'Brien is fired from his job because of his drinking celebration of his son, Jimmy, graduating from college. After the show he meets his son on a cabaret and there meets Abel Finklestein and his daughter, Miriam, and the two fathers form a business alliance, suspected of being bootlegging. They are arrested but are released after it is found they were importing molasses - but Miriam has to promise to marry Sam Berkowitz to secure the release. Jimmy and both fathers are unhappy with this turn of events.
The Bat
Director of Photography
A masked criminal who dresses like a giant bat terrorizes the guests at an old house rented by a mystery writer.
Partners Again
Director of Photography
Goldwyn produced a 1923 film adaptation of Potash and Perlmutter, and a 1924 sequel called In Hollywood with Potash and Perlmutter. In Partners Again the two are in the automobile industry -- This is a lost Film.
¡Y supo ser madre!
Director of Photography
Stella, una chica pueblerina, se casa con Stephen Dallas, miembro de la alta sociedad, con quien no tiene nada en común. El matrimonio es un fracaso y, tras el nacimiento de una hija, Laurel, los Dallas se separan y Stephen vuelve a Nueva York. Conforme Laurel va creciendo, Stella se da cuenta de que ella no puede darle todo lo que necesita y la envía a vivir con Stephen y su nueva familia.
Her Sister from Paris
Director of Photography
Helen has a twin sister, who is a famous actress named "La Perry". Helen and her sister decide to trick Helen's husband to prove his love.
The Talker
Kate Lennox is bored with suburban life and her husband, Harry. Their next-door neighbors, the hen-pecked Henry Fells and his wife, Maud, have several boarders, among them Barbara Farley, who is Lennox's stenographer, and Lonnie Whinston, who is in love with Lennox's little sister, Ruth. Kate claims that women need more independence and less duty, and flirts with Ned Hollister, a car salesman.
Waking Up the Town
Director of Photography
Jim Joyce runs a garage with old Abner Hope. When Hope's granddaughter, Mary Ellen, comes to visit, Joyce falls in love with her. Joyce has a number of bizarre inventions and he dreams of harnessing the nearby falls for power, but he can't get any financing from the town banker.
El mundo perdido
Director of Photography
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), además de Sherlock Holmes, creó otro héroe de ficción, el profesor George Edward Challenger, cuya aventura más conocida es la de "El mundo perdido", obra publicada en 1912. Harry O. Hoyt y Willis O'Brien efectuaron una temprana adaptación al cine con gran éxito de taquilla apoyado por un temprano merchandising: rompecabezas, muñecos, libros e incluso una canción compuesta por Rudolf Friml.
Inez from Hollywood
Inez Laranotta is an actress who is notorious for her vamp roles and for the wild parties she attends. But images are deceiving -- the parties (and police raids) are staged by Inez's press agent, and she is actually very devoted to her innocent younger sister, Fay Bartholdi.
El ladrón de Bagdad
Director of Photography
Abú, un ladronzuelo que actúa por las calles de Bagdad, es detenido y encarcelado. Comparte la celda con el príncipe Ahmad, legítimo heredero del trono de Bagdad, a quien el Gran Visir Jaffar ha encarcelado para arrebatarle el poder.
Robin de los bosques
Director of Photography
Ricardo Corazón de León (Wallace Beery), rey amado y respetado por su pueblo, decide ir a las Cruzadas al frente de su ejército, dejando temporalmente a su hermano, el príncipe Juan (Sam De Grasse), como regente del trono. En ausencia de Ricardo, el príncipe y traicionero Juan gobierna despiadadamente con mano de hierro, convirtiendo Inglaterra en un lugar donde impera la crueldad y la violencia. A está tiranía hará frente el Conde de Huntington (Douglas Fairbanks), un valiente guerrero que, informado de la situación del país, pondrá en peligro su vida y honor para oponerse al traidor. Por ello, se verá fuera de la ley, teniendo que ejercer como el forajido Robin Hood, campeón de los débiles y oprimidos, que defenderá al pueblo frente al cruel príncipe Juan y tendrá que ocultarse en el bosque de Sherwood.
Los tres mosqueteros
Director of Photography
Francia, siglo XVII. D'Artagnan, Porthos, Arthos y Aramis, los mosqueteros más famosos, tienen que hacer frente a un complot político urdido por el cardenal Richelieu contra Luis XIII, cuya finalidad sería arrebatarle el poder al rey. Por otra parte, para salvar el honor de la Reina, D'Artagnan y sus amigos tendrán que eludir las trampas que les tiende Milady De Winter, la maquiavélica espía del Cardenal y enemiga mortal de los mosqueteros.
For the Soul of Rafael
Director of Photography
Eyes of Youth
Director of Photography
A young woman, confronted by four options for proceeding in her life, is granted the ability to see what results would come from her choice of of the options. After she sees her future along three of the roads, she makes her choice.
Nearly Married
Director of Photography
Silent comedy, based on a 1913 stage play of the same title.