Claudio Misantoni


Esterno Notte (part II)
Assistant Editor
The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists
Esterno Notte
Assistant Editor
The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists
El asesinato de Yara Gambirasio, de 13 años, conmociona la pequeña ciudad de Brembate di Sopra, Italia. Para llevar al culpable ante la justicia, la fiscal Letizia Ruggeri solo tiene una pista tenue: un poco de ADN que no es de mucha ayuda sin una base de datos con la que compararlo. Basado en una historia real.
El traidor
Assistant Editor
Palermo, Sicilia, 1980. Tommaso Buscetta, miembro de la mafia siciliana, decide mudarse a Brasil con su familia huyendo de la guerra constante entre los diferentes clanes de la organización criminal. Pero cuando, después de vivir varias desgracias, se ve obligado a regresar a Italia, toma una decisión audaz que cambiará para siempre su vida y el destino de la Cosa Nostra.
Nombre de mujer
Nina deja Milán para mudarse a un pequeño pueblo de Lombardía. Allí encuentra trabajo en una prestigiosa clínica para ancianos donde trabajan muchas otras mujeres, pero que esconde un oscuro secreto.
All for a Rose
Elena has just turned 18 and this is her first day working in a coffee bar in Bobbio, a town in the north of Italy. It's summer and the coffee bar is very busy. The first day at work is a chance for Elena to meet lots of different people. Each person has a different story to tell - not just in words but also through simple gestures and actions. These characters can sometimes be quite odd and reflect the countless nuances of the human soul.
In the theater of a small village, rehersals are taking place for a show based on the opera I Pagliacci. There is no orchestra, just a piano and the singers. Amongs the few people in the audience there is the mother of the singer, a rich local lady and financer of the project, the sister, and a few other people involved in the show. During a dinner party at this rich lady’s house, a hiposis session takes place, where rancor and pain emerge from the brother and sister towards their mother and their impossibility of overcoming them.
Blood of My Blood
Norte de Italia, siglo XVII. En un monasterio, una monja acusada de brujería seduce a un joven confesor quien se niega a ceder a la ardiente tentación. Una lucha de deseos, ilusiones y mentiras que se arrastrarán de forma inesperada hasta la actualidad…
Signorina Effe
Assistant Editor
A white and a blue collar worker fall in love during the 1980 strike at FIAT that marked the end for labor movement in Italy.