Karen Machon


Ghost Dancing
Farm widow Sarah Bowman has been impoverished by the siphoning of her water supply. A nearby big-city aqueduct has priority over water rights, leaving the rural outskirts virtually dry. Attempting to bring her cause to the forefront, Sarah dynamites the reservoir, half-hoping that she'll be "martyred" in the process. When she fails to arouse public support, she targets the local power plant for her next blast. Assistant DA Anne Greyfeather, who as an orphaned Indian girl was virtually raised by Sarah, decides to challenge the water-department bureaucracy on McGuire's behalf.
The Choice
Janice Marker
A young woman agonizes over whether or not to have an abortion and learns that her mother did the same 20 years prior.
Shell Game
A convicted con artist sets out to expose the head of a charity fund who has been embezzling money to cover his huge gambling losses.
Odio en las entrañas
Girl at Football Game (uncredited)
Condado de Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, 1876. Una sociedad secreta de mineros irlandeses dedicados a extraer carbón, unidos por un juramento sagrado, presionan a la codiciosa y despiadada empresa para la que trabajan saboteando instalaciones mineras con la esperanza de mejorar sus condiciones laborales y la vida de sus familias.