Lew Ayres

Lew Ayres

Nacimiento : 1908-12-28, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Muerte : 1996-12-30


Lew Ayres was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota and raised in San Diego, California. A college dropout, he was found by a talent scout in the Coconut Grove nightclub in Los Angeles and entered Hollywood as a bit player. He was leading man to Greta Garbo in The Kiss (1929), but it was the role of Paul Baumer in All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) that was his big break. He was profoundly affected by the anti-war message of that film, and when, in 1942, the popular star of Young Dr. Kildare (1938) and subsequent Dr. Kildare films was drafted, he was a conscientious objector. America was outraged, and theaters vowed never to show his films again, but quietly he achieved the Medical Corps status he had requested, serving as a medic under fire in the South Pacific and as a chaplain's aid in New Guinea and the Phillipines. His return to film after the war was undistinguished until Johnny Belinda (1948) - his role as the sympathetic physician treating the deaf-mute Jane Wyman won him an Academy Award nomination as Best Actor. Subsequent movie roles were scarce; an opportunity to play Dr. Kildare in television was aborted when the network refused to honor his request for no cigarette sponsorship. He continued to act, but in the 1970s put his long experience into a project to bring to the west the philosophy of the East - the resulting film, Altars of the World (1976), while not a box-office success, won critical acclaim and a Golden Globe Award. Lew Ayres died in Los Angeles, California on December 30, 1996, just two days after his 88th birthday.


Lew Ayres
Lew Ayres
Lew Ayres


Checking Out: Grand Hotel
Self (archive footage)
Until 1932's Grand Hotel, never had there existed an all-star ensemble cast on film. Conceived by MGM's production genius Irving Thalberg, the film boasted names like Greta Garbo, Joan Crawford, Wallace Beery and John and Lionel Barrymore and went on to win the Academy Award for Best Picture. This short documentary takes a look at the making of the classic film.
Hart to Hart: Crimes of the Hart
Professor Cabel
In their very last adventure, Jonathan and Jennifer Hart travel to The Big Apple, where a play she wrote in college is being produced on Broadway. But there's sabotage going on, and when a stagehand is murdered, everyone's a suspect - even Jonathan!
Preminger: Anatomy of a Filmmaker
actor 'Advise and 'Consent' (archive footage) (uncredited)
This documentary, hosted by actor Burgess Meredith, explores the life and career of movie director Otto Preminger, whose body of work includes such memorable films as Anatomy of a Murder, Exodus, Laura, Forever Amber, Advise and Consent, In Harm's Way, The Moon Is Blue, The Man with the Golden Arm, and many other movies made from the '30s through the '70s. Interviews with actors Frank Sinatra, Vincent Price, James Stewart, Michael Caine, and others who worked with the flamboyant and sometimes control-obsessed director add information and insight to the story.
Cast the First Stone
After Diane Martin is raped by a hitchhiker and becomes pregnant, she must face the pious faculty at the school where she teaches who condemn her "loose morals" and ostracize her. Based on a true story.
Under Siege
John Pace
Terrorists launch an attack against the USA. Their first strike is by a suicide squad that detonates a truckload of explosives at an army base in Washington DC. FBI probes indicate that the attack is by Arab terrorists led by Iranians. Subsequent attacks are via airplanes exploded in mid-air, crowded restaurants, and an attack on a mall. Administration cabinet heads push the President to retaliate. The director of the FBI believes that there may be more to the story than the investigation has revealed and the Secretary of Defense is the only other person urging caution.
Don Camilo
Adaptación de una colección de relatos del escritor italiano Giovanni Guareschi (1908-1968). El párroco Don Camilo y Peppone, el alcalde comunista de un pueblo situado a orillas del Po, mantienen una feroz y tierna rivalidad. Los dos son muy temperamentales e incluso violentos, pero tienen un gran corazón. Sus conflictos y enfrentamientos por mantener una posición de dominio sobre el pueblo son constantes
Geschundenes Zelluloid - Das Schicksal des Kinoklassikers
A documentary directed by Hans Beller.
Of Mice and Men
George and Lenny travel through the Depression-era west working at odd jobs, hoping to make enough money to buy their own farm. George must always watch over his intellectually disabled friend, and keep him out of danger, both to himself and to others. After they take a new job at a ranch, Lenny gets into far more trouble than George can talk his way out of, leaving George to decide whether to help him, or leave him to his fate.
Bob Hollander
A married man, returning to his small town for a high school reunion, finds himself torn between his long-ago high school girlfriend and her 17-year-old daughter, whose boyfriend is the star player on the school's basketball team his fellow alumni are playing.
Letters from Frank
Dan Miller
When aging newspaper Editor Frank Miller is fired after decades of service and replaced by a computer, he cannot take this fate quietly. Frank becomes enraged and starts writing letters to his son, Richard, expressing his fury.
Suddenly, Love
Mr. Graham
Despite their different backgrounds working class Regina Malloy and wealthy Jack Graham fall in love leading to marriage and the birth of a son. All is bliss until tragedy strikes.
The Story of Noah
A man of God follows his faith to populate a new world in 'The Story of Noah', a powerful story of devotion, courage and triumph.
Galáctica, el Universo en Guerra
President Adar
Galáctica, una futurista aereonave espacial del tamaño de una pequeña ciudad, navega en una remota galaxia seguida por un convoy de naves espaciales, escapando de la destrucción de la raza humana. Dirigidos or el comandante Adama, estos supervivientes han emprendido el viaje hacia la Colonia Hermana Número Trece, en una lejana galaxia -un planeta llamado Tierra. Battlestar Galáctica narra las aventuras de estos refugiados interestelares y sus batallas con los temidos Cylones.
La Maldición de Damien
Bill Atherton
Desde la repentina y sospechosa muerte de sus padres, Damien, vive con sus adinerados tíos (Lee Grant y William Holden). El chico, a quien muchos consideran el Anticristo, planea fríamente apoderarse del imperio empresarial de su tío como primer paso para dominar el mundo. Mientras tanto, todos los que intentan desvelar los secretos de su siniestro pasado, o de su pérfido futuro, encuentran la muerte de forma rápida y cruel...
Año 1999: El fin del mundo
Com. Joseph Beckerman
AKA El último día del mundo. Un alienígena toma la forma de un sacerdote (Christopher Lee) para estudiar un ataque a la Tierra junto al resto de su séquito extraterrestre, en los cuerpos de un grupo de monjas de un retirado convento.
Francis Gary Powers: The True Story of the U-2 Spy Incident
Allen Dulles
The story of Francis Gary Powers, a U-2 pilot for the CIA who was shot down in his spy plane over Russia, captured and imprisoned.
Hollywood, Hollywood
(archive footage)
Segunda parte de "Érase una vez en Hollywood". A diferencia del primer documental, sólo hay dos narradores: Gene Kelly y Fred Astaire. Incluye escenas de comedias y dramas en los que intervienen los hermanos Marx, Laurel y Hardy o Katharine Hepburn.
Altars of the World
This is the last film to ever win the Golden Globe as best Documentary, now an extinct category in the Globes.
Dr. Grayson
A devastating heatwave hits the Los Angeles area and a young expecting couple try to evade it by escaping to a mountain resort town.
Proyecto Androide
Varios países con recursos financian el Proyecto Questor, la idea es llegar más allá en el arte androide con la fabricación de un super-humano, partiendo del material dejado por el desaparecido creador principal del proyecto el profesor Vaslovik. En ausencia del Dr. Vaslovik, sus antiguos colegas intentan descifrar las cintas de programación para asegurarse de que no haya nada malicioso y destruir parte de ellas en el proceso.
La conquista del planeta de los simios
César, el simio que capitaneó la revuelta contra la raza humana, es un benévolo gobernante que fomenta la convivencia con los hombres, a pesar de la oposición del general Aldo, jefe militar de los simios. No obstante, los hombres que han sobrevivido al holocausto nuclear son considerados ciudadanos de segunda clase. César decide realizar un viaje a la "Ciudad Prohibida" con MacDonald y el sabio Virgil, en busca de unas cintas en las que estaría grabada la muerte de sus padres. Durante el viaje, es observado por un grupo de hombres mutantes que viven en la devastada zona de guerra. Éste es el motivo por el que el General Aldo desafiará la autoridad de César y, además, provocará un enfrentamiento entre simios y hombres, para dirimir quién gobernará el planeta.
The Stranger
Prof. Dylan MacAuley
In this unsold TV pilot, an astronaut enters a vortex and crash-lands on a parallel planet where he's not welcome.
The Man
Noah Calvin
When the President and Speaker of the House are killed in a building collapse, and the Vice-President declines the office due to age and ill-health, Senate President pro tempore Douglas Dilman (James Earl Jones) suddenly becomes the first black man to occupy the Oval Office. The events from that day to the next election when he must decide if he will actually run challenge his skills as a politician and leader.
El comebollos
Mr. Ames
Loonie, hijo de un entrenador de perros, ha aprendido de él todo lo que sabe acerca de estos animales y su sueño es llegar algún día a encargarse él mismo de un perro para convertirlo en un campeón. Su oportunidad aparece cuando encuentra un can al que nadie quiere.
She Waits
Dr. Sam Carpenter
When a newlywed woman is taken to her husband's hometown to meet his mother, she is possessed by the vengeful spirit of his previous wife.
Earth II
President Charles Carter Durant
In the near future, a space station dubbed Earth II is built for the purpose of scientific research and world peace. However, that peace is shattered when the Chinese send up a nuclear bomb that is orbiting just a few miles away from the station. Can the crew disarm the bomb before it detonates, not only destroying the station but setting off World War III?
Marcus Welby, M.D.
Dr. Andrew Swanson
The pilot film for the long-run series introduced the kindly small-town general practitioner who, following a mild coronary, grudgingly brings in an independent, motorcycling young associate to help share his workload. Welby's lady friend and his family, part of the plot of this movie, were written out of the subsequent series, with only his medical sidekick, Steven Kiley, and their secretary/nurse, Consuelo, remaining as regulars.
The Governor
In this pilot film to the "Hawaii Five-0" television series, special law officer Steve McGarrett tracks down Red Chinese operatives and their spy ring in Honolulu.
Hollywood My Home Town
Ken Murray narrates his 16mm home movies shot over 35 years in Hollywood.
Los insaciables
'Mac' McAllister
Tras la repentina muerte de su padre, un joven playboy (George Peppard) hereda una empresa aeronáutica y se convierte en un neurótico megalómano que llegará a crear un gran imperio económico. Esta película se inspira en la vida de Howard Hughes.
Hollywood Without Make-Up
A collection of behind the scenes and home movies from the golden age of Hollywood.
Tempestad sobre Washington
The Vice President
Propuesto por el presidente de los Estados Unidos para ocupar el puesto de secretario de Estado, Robert Leffingwell comparece ante un comité del Senado, presidido por el idealista senador Brig Anderson, que debe decidir si es la persona idónea para desempeñar el cargo.
El cerebro de Donovan
Dr. Patrick J. Cory
Un millonario muere en un accidente de aviación cerca de la casa del profesor Patrick Cory, un científico que realiza experimentos sobre el cerebro. Cory decide extraer el cerebro del cadáver y mantenerlo vivo de manera artificial. Sin embargo, el cerebro se va adueñando progresivamente de la voluntad del científico cuando intenta comunicarse con él telepáticamente.
No Escape
John Howard Tracy
A woman and a songwriter suspected of murder join forces to crack the case.
New Mexico
Capt. Hunt
Captain Hunt of the cavalry is trying to promote good relations with the Indian chief Acoma. But Hunt's superiors in the military insist on pursuing policies that will provoke a conflict, and Chief Acoma is not willing to let himself be insulted.
La captura
Lin Vanner / Lindley Brown
Lin, un hombre malherido y perseguido por la policía encuentra acogida en casa de un sacerdote al que le cuenta su historia: cuando trabajaba en México, en un campo petrolífero, entregó a la policía a un hombre sospechoso de haber robado el dinero de las nóminas. Ese hombre murió después en extrañas circunstancias, y Lin, abrumado por un sentimiento de culpa, fue a trabajar al rancho de su viuda.
Dr. Robert Richardson
La vida es dura en la granja de Mac Donald en Nueva Escocia y todavía resulta más difícil para Belinda, una joven sorda cuya desgracia se confunde con discapacidad mental. El nuevo médico de la ciudad muestra interés en ayudarla a salir de su silenciosa cárcel.
La infiel
Larry Hannaford
Chris Hunter (Ann Sheridan) mata a un intruso que merodeaba por su casa, pero le oculta a su marido y también a su abogado que el hombre era un escultor que fue su amante mientras su marido estaba en la guerra. Para complicar más las cosas, la viuda del escultor conserva una estatua, para la cual Chris Hunter había posado desnuda.
The Way of Peace
Narrator (voice)
Punctuated with stories from the Bible, the film’s purpose was to reinforce Christian values in the atomic age by condemning the consequences of human conflict with scenes of the crucifixion, lynching and Nazi fascism.
A través del espejo
Dr. Scott Elliott
Un médico aparece asesinado. La principal sospechosa es una mujer que fue vista abandonando el escenario del crimen, pero cuando la policía empieza a investigar hará un sorprendente descubrimiento.
Blow-Ups of 1946
Warner Brothers bloopers of 1946
Fingers at the Window
Oliver Duffy
In Chicago, an unemployed actor aims to solve the mystery concerning a string of ax murders, apparently committed by a lunatic.
Dr. Kildare's Victory
Dr. James Kildare
Kildare, todavía dolido por la muerte de María Lamont, se enamora de una paciente.
Dr. Kildare's Wedding Day
Dr. James Kildare
A variety of predicaments arise to distract Dr. Kildare from his wedding to Nurse Mary Lamont.
The People Vs. Dr. Kildare
Dr. James Kildare
An ice skater sues Kildare (Lew Ayres) for malpractice after his roadside first aid leaves her paralyzed.
Maisie Was a Lady
Bob Rawlston
Maisie es contratada como criada de una familia de ricos excéntricos.
Dr. Kildare's Crisis
Dr. James Kildare
Jimmy Kildare's impending nuptials are jeopardized by a diagnosis of possible epilepsy in his fiancee's brother.
A New Romance of Celluloid: The Miracle of Sound
This short documentary, presented and directed by MGM sound engineer Douglas Shearer, goes behind the scenes to look at how the sound portion of a talking picture is created.
Dr. Kildare Goes Home
Dr. James Kildare
A young doctor gives up big-city success to help his father set up a small-town clinic.
The Golden Fleecing
Henry Twinkle
A mild-mannered insurance salesman gets mixed up with gangsters.
Hollywood: Style Center of the World
This short promotes the premise that movies often create a demand for the fashions seen in them. It starts with a vignette in rural America. A mother and daughter go to town to buy a new dress. In the dress shop window is a designer dress worn by Joan Crawford in a recent movie. We then go to Hollywood and visit Adrian, MGM's chief of costume design, and see how multiple copies of a single clothing pattern are produced. The film ends with short segments of several MGM features.
Dr. Kildare's Strange Case
Dr. James Kildare
Kildare tries brain surgery, advised by Dr. Gillespie, and faces a rival for nurse Lamont.
Sky Ames
A punto de casarse con Sky, Linda se enamora de Jeff y se casa con él. Pronto se dará cuenta de que quizá no haya hecho una buena elección, pues Jeff solo piensa en su trabajo y apenas tienen tiempo para estar juntos. Así que, poco después, Linda pide el divorcio. De solucionar la crisis matrimonial se encargará Sky, que ha fabricado una poción que borrará los recuerdos de la pareja haciendo que vuelvan a enamorarse.
The Secret of Dr. Kildare
Dr. James Kildare
Intern Kildare heals a millionaire's daughter and tricks Dr. Gillespie into taking a vacation.
These Glamour Girls
Philip S. Griswold III
Un estudiante universitario borracho invita a una chica al gran baile, pero luego olvida que se lo pidió. Cuando ella se presenta en la universidad, él trata de deshacerse de ella, pero la chica no se marcha, se mantiene en sus trece y se deja ver con él ante sus presumidos compañeros de clase.
From the Ends of the Earth
An MGM short showing how materials are shipped by boat 'From the Ends of the Earth' to Hollywood. Featuring footage from the MGM films being made at the time. Such as The Women, Thunder Afloat, Siren of the Tropics, Ninotchka, Northwest Passage, and At the Circus.
Calling Dr. Kildare
Dr. James Kildare
Un médico cura a un gangster y se enamora de su hermana.
Se llevó mi corazón
James Geoffrey 'Jimmy' Seymour
Hale y Jimmy Seymour son una pareja que trabaja en en pequeños clubes nocturnos con la esperanza de tener éxito. Una noche, Larry Bryant (un productor de Broadway) ve a Mary y se enamora de su belleza y su voz. Larry Bryant le pide que haga una audición para el Sr. Collier y que Jimmy la acompañe. Después de escuchar a Mary, Collier quiere que Mary esté en su show. Jimmy anima a una Mary reacia a seguir el camino sin él.
The Ice Follies of 1939
Eddie Burgess
Una patinadora sobre hielo pone en peligro su matrimonio cuando se convierte en una estrella de cine. Primera aparición en color de Joan Crawford.
Spring Madness
Sam Thatcher
Un estudiante de Harvard corteja a una compañera de otra universidad cercana.
Young Dr. Kildare
Dr. James Kildare
A medical school graduate takes an internship at a big city hospital, only to be subjected to a rigorous (and sometimes embarrassing) testing of his knowledge by the hospital's top dog, Dr. Leonard Gillespie.
Rich Man, Poor Girl
Henry Thayer
Un rico hombre de negocios quiere casarse con su secretaria, pero antes ha de pasar la inspección de la familia de ella.
Vivir para gozar
Ned Seton
Adaptación de una obra de Broadway. Johnny Case (Cary Grant), un hombre poco convencional, se enamora de Julia Seton (Doris Nolan), una chica de buena familia; así que debe adaptarse a la alta sociedad neoyorquina. Además, su novia quiere que trabaje en el banco de su padre, actividad incompatible con su carácter. Sólo Linda (Katharine Hepburn), la vivaz hermana de Julia, es capaz de comprender que Case desee vivir una vida diferente.
King of the Newsboys
Jerry Flynn
A poor young man's girlfriend leaves him for a gangster, who has the money and power she wants and the young man doesn't have. Determined to show her that he can be a success--and how much of a mistake she made by leaving him--he starts up a newspaper distribution business that is soon the biggest in the city, but things don't turn out exactly the way he wanted them to.
Scandal Street
Joe McKnight
Joe McKnight temporarily leaves his fiancée, Nora Langdon, for an expedition in a South American jungle. Nora gets a position as librarian in the small town of Midberg, where she boards with the Smith family. Nora is befriended by her next-door neighbor Austin Brown, who, unknown to his wife, is engaged in a moneymaking scheme with James Wilson.
Hold 'Em Navy
Tommy Graham
Dos jugadores de fútbol americano que estudian en la academia naval compiten por los favores de la misma chica.
The Last Train from Madrid
Bill Dexter
La historia de siete personas: sus vidas y amoríos en Madrid durante la Guerra Civil.
The Crime Nobody Saw
Nick Milburn
Three playwrights (Lew Ayres, Eugene Pallette, Benny Baker) develop a plot around a drunk who gets killed in their apartment.
Murder with Pictures
Kent Murdock
Suspected crime boss Nate Girard beats a murder rap, and newspaper photog Kent Murdock is on the story. Girard and lawyer Redfield throw a party for the news men where Murdock romances a mystery woman who confronted Girard in front of him, but Murdock's fiancée Hester shows up. After they return to his apartment, have a fight, and she leaves, the mystery woman slips in and begs for his help. Police Inspector Bacon and the cops show up, looking for the mystery woman; Murdock hides her. Murdock goes with the cops to discuss the murder the woman is suspected of. Bacon explains (in flashback) how some photogs were setting up a shot with Girard and Redfield. When the flashbulbs popped, Redfield keeled over dead and the woman, Meg Archer, fled while the newsmen ran out to phone their papers. The newsmen (who were rounded up later as thoroly as possible) are taken into police custody, except for Murdock (who wasn't at the scene), who is given a cap on the sly by rival McGoogin. Altho ...
Lady Be Careful
Chester aka Dynamite
Previously filmed in 1930 as True to the Navy, Kenyon Nicholson's old stage farce Sailor Beware returned to the screen in 1936 as Lady Be Careful. The plot remains substantially the same, as an amorous sailor named Dynamite (Lew Ayres) bets his pals that he can "thaw" icy beauty-contest winner Billie (Mary Carlisle). What follows is a series of misunderstandings, arguments and reconciliations, all wrapped up in a happy-ever-after conclusion.
Bob Sanderson
A struggling young engineer, Bob Sanderson, refuses to marry the very-rich Edith Stuart until he can support her on his own earnings. He goes to work for her father as a messenger in the telegraph business, and, via his engineering skills, discovers a plot to kidnap Edith.
Hearts in Bondage
Best friends Kenneth Reynolds and Raymond Jordan are U.S. Navy officers, and Kenneth is engaged to Raymond's sister. But the eruption of the Civil War divides them, as Raymond stands by his native Virginia while Kenneth remains on duty as a Northern officer. Kenneth's uncle, John Ericsson, designs a new kind of ship, an ironclad he calls the Monitor. Eventually the war pits Kenneth, on board the Monitor, against his friend Raymond, serving aboard the South's own ironclad, the Merrimac (as it is called here). A naval battle ensues, one that will go down in history.
Panic on the Air
Jerry Franklin
A sports announcer and a friend investigate after a pitcher misses a series. When they discover that gangsters are trying to find a hidden fortune, they use the radio show to foil the plan.
The Leathernecks Have Landed
Woodruff 'Woody' Davis
Dishonorably discharged from the U.S. Marines after starting a barroom brawl that gets his leatherneck buddy "Tubby" Waters killed, hothead "Woody" Davis infiltrates a gang of Shanghai gunrunners to bring the culprit to justice.
Silk Hat Kid
Eddie Howard
Eddie Howard, a fast-thinking, two-fisted bodyguard, is hired by nightclub-owner Tim Martin to protect him from chiseling gangsters operating an extortion-racket. But Eddie meets and falls in love with Laura Grant, Tim's sweetheart, and complications quickly arise.
Spring Tonic
Caleb Enix
Betty Ingals walks out on her fiancé in search of adventure. She gets more than she bargained for when she stumbles upon a gang of bootleggers.
The Lottery Lover
Cadet Frank Harrington
A crew of young military-school cadets are enjoying their first weekend in Paris. Frank Harrington, a girl-shy cadet, wins the lottery which "They" have organized, an Frank wins the right to woo the star of the Folies Bergere, Gaby Aimee, with her garter serving as proof of conquest. Meanwhile Frank has found the one girl-of-his-heart, Patty, and this serves to complicate matters.
An amateur film by actor Lew Ayres featuring Ginger Rogers, Ayres second wife.
Servants' Entrance
Erik Landstrom
Heiress Hedda Nillson certain that her family is about to lose all its money, takes a job as a maid. After the usual trials and tribulations, Hedda falls in love with humble chauffeur Eric Landstrom.
Aprendió de los marinos
Larry Wilson
Jean, que canta en un club nocturno de Shanghai, se enamora de un marino, pero él parte hacia Estados Unidos y le escribe una carta para comunicarle que no puede mantenerla. Dos chistosos interceptan la carta y la reescriben en sentido opuesto...
Cross Country Cruise
Norman Winthrop
A young woman is involved with a married man, although she does not know that he is married. He kills his jealous wife and implicates her in the murder. However, a playboy character who had been flirting with the woman earlier turns amateur detective and clears her.
My Weakness
Ronnie Gregory
A wealthy young man bets his uncle that he can transform a clumsy cleaning lady into a glamorous fashion plate, then marry her off to his bachelor cousin.
Don't Bet on Love
Bill McCaffrey
A plumber wins big at the racetrack but then his luck runs out and almost ruins his business. His manicurist girlfriend stands by him and helps him readjust to life as a plumber.
La feria de la vida
Pat Gilbert
Abel Frake y su familia aguardan ansiosos la Feria Estatal de Iowa. Abel confía en ganar el lazo azul con su cerdo campeón, Blue Boy. Su esposa Melissa quiere presentar su relleno al concurso de alimentos, su hijo Wayne quiere ajustar cuentas con un fullero que se burló de él en la última feria y su hija Margy sólo quiere divertirse un rato.
Okay, America!
Larry Wayne
A gossip columnist's rise to fame. Based closely on the real life of Walter Winchell.
Night World
Michael Rand
"Happy" MacDonald and his unfaithful wife own a Prohibition era night club. On this eventful night, he is threatened by bootleggers, and the club's star dancer falls in love with a young socialite who drinks to forget a personal tragedy, among other incidents.
The Cohens and Kellys in Hollywood
Lew Ayres
The Cohens and the Kellys invade a Hollywood studio after Kitty becomes the darling of the studio.
The Impatient Maiden
Dr. Myron Brown
A maid's dream comes true but are not quite what she expected.
Heaven on Earth
A young boy finds out that the man he thought was his father actually killed his real father, then adopted him.
The Spirit of Notre Dame
Edward Aloysius "Bucky" O'Brian
Story of two friends who play football, one of whom is a self-centered quarterback who thinks he's the only man on the team.
Up for Murder
Robert Marshall
Young reporter accidentially kills his newspaper's editor in a fight over the publisher's mistress, who is also the paper's society editor.
Iron Man
Kid Mason
Prizefighter Mason loses his opening fight so wife Rose leaves him for Hollywood. Without her around Mason trains and starts winning. Rose comes back and wants Mason to dump his manager Regan and replace him with her secret lover Lewis.
Many a Slip
Jerry Brooks
Comedy centering on the question of whether a man's wife is or isn't pregnant.
East Is West
Billy Benson
Ming Toy is on the auction block in China. She is saved by Billy and taken to San Francisco by Lo Sang Kee. To save her from deportation she is sold to Charlie Yong, the Chop Suey King. Billy kidnaps her with plans of marriage.
La senda del crimen
Louie Ricarno
Lou Ricarno es un tipo inteligente: su plan consiste en organizar y liderar a las distintas pandillas de Chicago para que no se liquiden entre sí. Con el éxito del emprendimiento y su liderazgo, Louie prospera, se casa con Doris y se retira a Florida para escribir su autobiografía. Pero, en su ausencia, una guerra entre bandas comienza y le será imposible mantenerse alejado.
Common Clay
Hugh Fullerton
Young Ellen Neal gets work as a servant with the wealthy Fullerton family. She falls in love with the Fullerton's handsome young son. But he leaves her with child, and when she attempts to gain recognition for her child, the Fullerton family treats her as a blackmailer. But a surprise awaits them all.
Sin novedad en el frente
Paul Bäumer
Mítica película antibélica que plasma los sentimientos, sensaciones y desilusiones de un grupo de jóvenes estudiantes que son enviados al frente en la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Es una adaptación de la novela homónima del escritor alemán Erich María Remarque. Su estreno provocó enfrentamientos entre nazis y comunistas.
The Kiss
Pierre Lassalle
An unhappily married woman is caught up in scandal and murder when her affection toward a young man is misinterpreted.
Big News
Copyboy (uncredited)
A reporter's marriage is jeopardized by his drinking and he finds himself accused of a murder he didn't commit.
The Sophomore
Sophomore Fraternity Brother (uncredited)
Joe Collins (Eddie Quillan) arrives at Hanford College to begin his second year with $200 to pay his tuition, is enticed into a craps game, and loses all in this nostalgic slice of college, replete with songs, romance, prom dances and the inevitable big football game.