Evgeny Romantsov

Evgeny Romantsov

Nacimiento : 1993-02-02, Zaporozhye, Ukraine


Evgeny Romantsov
Evgeny Romantsov


My Father is a Chieftain
The adult hero of the picture - the captain of the voyage - was captured by the African natives. At home, in a seaside town, he still had a pregnant wife. The boy was born without a father, and raised him in the belief that dad heroically died. And now, after nine years, he returns ... the leader of the African tribe. Father and son meet each other throughout history, and eventually find a common language.
La fiebre de Petrov
Petrov es escritor de cómics y sobrevive con su familia en la Rusia postsoviética. Con el país sumido en una epidemia de gripe, Petrov y su amigo Igor se embarcan en una alucinante travesía marcada por los delirios febriles y un gran baño de alcohol. A lo largo de un día, ambos amigos deambulan entre los reinos de la fantasía y la realidad, fundiéndose en el presente y pasado de los sueños del escritor y también de la propia Rusia.
Juegos Psicológicos
Una pareja enamorada pasa un tiempo alejada de la civilización. La llegada repentina primero de la hermana menor, y luego del exnovio de la niña, viola el idilio campestre. Cada uno de los héroes tiene su propio plan para este fin de semana, y juntos se convierten en rehenes de la situación y participantes en crueles juegos psicológicos. El enamoramiento da paso a la pasión, y el coqueteo inocente provoca celos y puede conducir a un peligro mortal.
Zoya - La Guerrera
Otoño de 1941. La ex militante del Partido Comunista Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya se alista en la Guerrilla. Cuando su escuadrón es emboscado durante un intento de incendiar un granero, es capturada por los alemanes. Interrogada y torturada, Zoya permanece en silencio y es leal a su grupo. Su hazaña cautiva a millones de corazones, mientras ayuda a los soldados soviéticos a llegar a Berlín.
Love Hotel. The best place to spend your holiday on February 14th. So this time the doors of the hotel are open for everyone who wants to make Valentine's Day special, wants to believe in love again, or at least not be alone on this day. Former classmates meet at a restaurant in honor of the 40th anniversary of graduation and old feelings flare up with renewed vigor. A jealous man tries to enter all the rooms on the floor to find his missing wife. A private detective and his attractive client arrange a spy show with wiretaps to bring out the scoundrel husband. An immigrant maid from Uzbekistan chooses between love for her young boy and money from his mother, given for her immediate flight home. And the life of a humble student who dreams of becoming a man in just one hour will never be the same after meeting the most talkative night butterfly in the city ...
Sergey Borozdin
Sergey is a Russian athletics champion whose career is destroyed in a moment by a car accident. Then he discovers that while his injuries have diminished his athletic abilities, they have also given him paranormal abilities to see the past, when his heart races too fast. Meanwhile, detective Nastya is trying to stop a maniac who is killing women in the city. And, somehow, all the victims are related to Sergey, who will need to master his new powers to stop the murderer.
They Say
Mila has taken the puppy of her friend, who has developed an allergy. Her friend talked about it to her teacher, who shared the story with her husband, who discussed it with his trainer, etc. But each time as the story gets told, the meaning changes and soon in the social networks appears a post that Mila is prostituting herself. This story is about the speedy transformation of harmless news into a gossip which literally destroys the life of the heroine.
Cosmoball es un fascinante juego intergaláctico del futuro que se juega entre humanos y extraterrestres en la gigantesca nave extraterrestre que flota en el cielo sobre la Tierra. Un joven con un enorme poder de naturaleza desconocida se une al equipo de superhéroes impetuosos a cambio de una cura para la enfermedad mortal de su madre. Los Cuatro de la Tierra lucharán no solo para defender el honor de su planeta natal en el espectacular juego, sino para enfrentar la amenaza sin precedentes para la Galaxia y abrazar su propio destino.
Lev Yashin The Dream Goalkeeper
Konstantin Krizhevsky, Dynamo
Un niño de la clase trabajadora, como todos sus compañeros, jugaba al fútbol día y noche, y soñaba con ser un delantero. Pero sin importar para qué equipo jugó, en el patio, en la fábrica o en el ejército, inevitablemente se le puso en la portería en el futbol soviético. Se llamaba Lev Yashin (1929 - 1990), conocido en el ambiente futbolistico como "la araña negra Yashin", uno de los mejores porteros, de la historia del futbol.
Everybody sometimes lose their head — from love, or excessive alcohol consumption, or from a sense of their own grandeur. The film is about the day after a New Year’s office party at a small company that sells Chinese goods. For various reasons, all the characters have lost their head, or have never had a clear mind.
In Moscow a Chinese girl is looking for her love, ideal, dream… OK, in reality she is looking for someone to go to bed with. But for some reason nothing works out – neither with the best friend, nor with a girl, nor with a stranger whom she met over the Internet. Can she herself be the reason? Russian is not her native language, perhaps they misunderstand her? Whom does she address in every issue of her video blog? What is in the picture which she hides from everybody? What does the character “” mean?