Bruno Chiche
Nacimiento : 1966-08-07, Francia
Biopic sobre el legendario Leonard Bernstein, compositor, pianista y director de orquesta estadounidense
Biopic sobre el legendario Leonard Bernstein, compositor, pianista y director de orquesta estadounidense
Pierre y Aimee y Eric y Penélope son dos parejas que guardan una bonita amistad desde hace años. Sin embargo, Penélope y Pierre se convierten en amantes en secreto. Un día, deciden poner fin a su infidelidad, aunque no sin antes pasar juntos una última noche. El problema es que, cuando se despiertan, se dan cuenta de que… ¡Sorpresa, han intercambiado sus cuerpos! De esta forma, ambos tendrán que hacerse pasar por el otro para que nadie descubra su secreto.
Pierre y Aimee y Eric y Penélope son dos parejas que guardan una bonita amistad desde hace años. Sin embargo, Penélope y Pierre se convierten en amantes en secreto. Un día, deciden poner fin a su infidelidad, aunque no sin antes pasar juntos una última noche. El problema es que, cuando se despiertan, se dan cuenta de que… ¡Sorpresa, han intercambiado sus cuerpos! De esta forma, ambos tendrán que hacerse pasar por el otro para que nadie descubra su secreto.
Daniel Mayer
An attorney stumbles upon a suitcase filled with cocaine.
Konrad Lang, un hombre de sesenta años, antiguo compañero de estudios y criado del multimillonario Thomas Koch, vive entregado al alcohol, al piano y a sus recuerdos. Lo mantiene Elvira, la madre de Thomas. Pero, de repente, Konrad enferma y empieza a recordar retazos de su infancia que oculta a Elvira. Basada en la novela "Qué pequeño es el mundo" del suizo Martin Suter.
Konrad Lang, un hombre de sesenta años, antiguo compañero de estudios y criado del multimillonario Thomas Koch, vive entregado al alcohol, al piano y a sus recuerdos. Lo mantiene Elvira, la madre de Thomas. Pero, de repente, Konrad enferma y empieza a recordar retazos de su infancia que oculta a Elvira. Basada en la novela "Qué pequeño es el mundo" del suizo Martin Suter.
Jack is encouraged to take the romantic Paris vacation he won, despite just being dumped by his girlfriend. His trip soon devolves into chaos and adventure, when his luggage is swapped for a French businesswoman's belongings who soon takes a liking to his belongings -- especially his shoes -- and sets out to find him.
Dominique Besnehard jeune
In Paris, Ella, a.k.a. Hell, is a promiscuous and reckless teenager with absent upper class parents that does not study or work and spends her time going to night-clubs, using cocaine and drinking booze with her idle high-society friends. She has recently made an abortion without knowing who the father could be. When she meets the playboy Andrea, they have a torrid and crazy love affair with a tragic ending.
In Paris, Ella, a.k.a. Hell, is a promiscuous and reckless teenager with absent upper class parents that does not study or work and spends her time going to night-clubs, using cocaine and drinking booze with her idle high-society friends. She has recently made an abortion without knowing who the father could be. When she meets the playboy Andrea, they have a torrid and crazy love affair with a tragic ending.
La brillante y espontánea Louise deja su pequeña casa de campo en Le Mans para visitar a su estirada hermana en París. Las vidas de las dos hermanas parecen mapped out: una vida anodina para Louise, con un hombre del que está perdidamente enamorada; una agitada vida social para Martine, casada con un hombre al que cariñosamente detesta. Louise ha escrito una novela y ha ido a París para reunirse con un editor que pretende publicar su libro. El hecho de ver a su hermana como una escritora de éxito y tres días de lágrimas, risas, recuerdos y recriminaciones entre las dos hermanas hacen que el mundo de Martina se derrumbe a su alrededor.
Barnie lives in Calais but works in London. Everyday, he takes the Eurostar to go to his office. Although he is married to Lucie, Barnie has two lovers in London: Margot, a young and fresh advertising executive, and Mark, a hot 35 years old auctioneer. Everything could work out fine like that, until Margot, Mark and Lucie separately offer Barnie the same birthday present: a return ticket to Venice on the Orient-Express, and on the same dates. What will Barnie do? Who will he choose to go with? After thinking that going with Lucie could actually save his marriage, problems are not over: Margot and Mark both show up at Barnie and Lucie's house, pretending to be a couple, and asking Barnie for some explanations. Which he obviously can't give...
Barnie lives in Calais but works in London. Everyday, he takes the Eurostar to go to his office. Although he is married to Lucie, Barnie has two lovers in London: Margot, a young and fresh advertising executive, and Mark, a hot 35 years old auctioneer. Everything could work out fine like that, until Margot, Mark and Lucie separately offer Barnie the same birthday present: a return ticket to Venice on the Orient-Express, and on the same dates. What will Barnie do? Who will he choose to go with? After thinking that going with Lucie could actually save his marriage, problems are not over: Margot and Mark both show up at Barnie and Lucie's house, pretending to be a couple, and asking Barnie for some explanations. Which he obviously can't give...