Karen Joseph


Negocios sucios
Una agente de la CIA y su compañero, un experto del karate, se abren paso por el submundo de extorsiones y asesinatos.
Liquid Dreams
In a slightly future America, a woman goes to the big city to visit with her sister, who is dead in her apartment. In order to find out what happened to her sister, she gets a job working at a dance club, a lower notch in the strip joint circuit. Some of her colleagues begin showing up dead as she uncovers a sinister hierarchy in the strip club management that is harnessing the sexual activity for their own twisted ends.
Bloodfist 2
Jake Raye y cinco expertos en kickboxing son secuestrados por el malvado Su y obligados a luchar contra sus secuaces. Dependerá de Jake poder enderezar las cosas...