Peter Wolk


No más víctimas
Based on a true story, former parole officer Marilyn Gambrell and a colleague set up a pioneer trial-based program in one of America's toughest high schools to help the children of incarcerated parents regain control of their own lives and not expect the same thing to happen as it did to their parents. To the surprise of everyone, the program works, but the administration warns the duo that it will not last unless every senior student is able to pass his or her final exams and graduate with the class. As the end of the school year approaches, Gertz faces a crisis to save everything she believes in or lose it all
The Defenders: Taking the First
A racist provokes four teens into beating a Latino youth to death after one of his fiery speeches on a college campus. The Prestons are first called upon to defend one of the youths who gives testimony against the other three. Then, in a turnaround, the family of the murdered boy hires the Prestons to try to get a conviction against the racist.
The Defenders: Choice of Evils
Serie de nuevas películas en Showtime sobre la base de la antigua serie televisiva encuentra los abogados que tienen que defender a un periodista acusado de un homicidio culposo
The Defenders: Payback
Jack Casey es condenado por asesinar al hombre que asaltó y violó a su hija pequeña.
Criminal Justice
A knife-scarred victim must identify her assailant beyond a reasonable doubt. Meanwhile the accused is offered a deal if he pleads guilty. Is he as innocent as the victim? Is the justice system guiltier than both?