Carolina Carrasco


La pasión de Michelangelo
Sandra - Convent Caretaker
An intense religious drama set during the Pinochet regime and based on a true story.
Camila Sepúlveda
Camila Sepúlveda has been unemployed for over a year. Now she is trying to get a job as a secretary. Through six chapters and brief interviews we will find out what this long unemployment time has meant to her. Everywhere Camila goes for a job interview, she will listen to other unemployed women's points of view and experiences. She knows that after all this time of being unemployed she will never be the same person again.
French Institute Student 2
Un hombre lleva a su amante insegura y con sobrepeso a un balneario para consumar su relación, pero allí se topa con un descubrimiento artístico que cambiará su vida.