Shusaku Tsukamoto


It's in the Woods
Production Design
Set in an actual forest said to be rife with supernatural phenomena, this next-gen horror film is based on witness accounts of people who saw "It" and the protagonists’ encounter with the mysterious "It".
Stolen Identity 2
Art Direction
A couple of months have passed since the serial murder case. A new dead body is found in the same area. Detective Manabu Kagaya tries to find the truth. He goes to see serial killer Yoshiharu Urano in prison.
Production Design
Mayu es la encargada de cuidar a una chica que sufre de amnesia. La paciente está bajo custodia policial y es de especial interés para las autoridades. Sin embargo, sus allegados desconocen el porqué de esta situación, e incluso la propia sospechosa ignora los motivos por los que está siendo vigilada 24h. Mientras Mayu se desvive por realizar su trabajo, su hermano, un aspirante a convertirse en un personaje famoso en redes sociales, comienza a darse cuenta de que ha dado con un filón que tratará de aprovechar a toda costa.
Day and Night
Production Design
A man suicides causing ruin for his family, reasons are unknown, but his son will decide to take revenge after a succesion of events.
Stolen Identity
Production Design
After a man accidentally leaves his smartphone in a taxi, he and his girlfriend are plagued by stalkers and cybercrimes.
De tal padre, tal hijo
Assistant Set Decoration
Ryoata, un arquitecto obsesionado por el éxito profesional, forma con su joven esposa y su hijo de 6 años una familia ideal. Todas sus referencias se esfuman cuando la maternidad del hospital donde nació su hijo les informa que dos bebes fueron cambiados: el niño que crió no es el suyo y su hijo biológico ha crecido en un medio más modesto...
Production Design
Kohei and Akira are a couple running away together without a destination. They meet a geology researcher namend Shiraki on the way and the three visit a log cabin of a famous geologist Kanbe. With fortune teller Eiko, ex-girlfriend of Kanbe, joining the party, five people of diverse ages, sexes, statutes, and professions happen to spend a night together in the log cabin deep in the mountains. As the strangers get to know each other and grow closer, each one of their hidden pasts is brought to light. Meanwhile, following a thunderstorm and an earthquake, something even worse is approaching them...