Since the cult success of Merci Patron!, activist/journalist/filmmaker François Ruffin has become an MP. Here, he attempts to table a law aimed at upholding the rights of what in Quebec are known as caregivers, and shows us in passing how a law whose need seems patently obvious is put together, debated, voted on and . . . dies on the battleground of French politics. A stirring documentary about social injustice that somehow manages to make us bust a gut laughing as we rage with indignation. And also cry at the beauty of it all, thanks to the director’s humanist sensibility and a deft play between reality and fiction.
Siendo un niño, Edward Carnby (Christian Slater) tuvo una experiencia que le marcó para siempre, una prueba irrefutable de la existencia de otro mundo, siniestro y aterrador. Por ese motivo, Edward acabó convirtiéndose en investigador de lo paranormal, un detective privado especializado en casos relacionados con fenómenos supernaturales inexplicables. Ahora, el misterioso pasado de Edward está a punto de convertirse en el caso más peligroso al que se ha enfrentado jamás. 19 personas que crecieron en el mismo orfanato que él han desaparecido.