Leonardo Alberto Moschetta


Uno dopo l'altro
A man drives off in a car with a girl: it is only the beginning of a story that touches the deepest sensitivity and pushes us to look inside.
El último de los Paradiso
En la Italia de los años cincuenta, un agricultor se enamora de la hija de un hacendado y su sueño de mejorar la vida de los campesinos se derrumba.
La freccia del tempo
Raffaele an off-campus university student, with a strong love for science and for his fiancée Alice. Raffaele is a hard worker, in order to pay the university he does two jobs: he is a bellhop at a flower shop and a clerk in a clothing store, all without the two employers being aware of the other respective job.
Naples in Veils
Nápoles es una ciudad misteriosa cuyos palacios y callejuelas sirven de telón de fondo para una historia oscura de amor perdido y recuerdos reprimidos.