Alexandra Sabathé


Mammifères marins - les maîtres des abysses
Camera Operator
2017,  The Disaster Diaries
The year 2017 was marked by several major Atlantic hurricanes (including Harvey, Irma and Maria), flooding in South America and a serious earthquake in Mexico. In Europe, deadly forest fires struck Portugal. Madagascar was flattened by a Category 4 typhoon that wiped out the country’s infrastructure. The financial costs are unprecedented with billions of dollars of damage. Thanks to spectacular footage filmed at the heart of the action, this film shows a selection of the most notable natural disasters to strike this year. Expert analysis and photo-realistic animation allow the audience to understand the forces at work behind these catastrophes.
Director of Photography
A journey upstream the Amazon river where Modernist constructions have been abandoned like the memories of an engulfed civilisation of the future. A science-fiction documentary evoking the colonization of nature, former utopias in the Latin America forests and their cohabitation with the present.
Entre Temps
A meditation and a reverie upon a city at once real and imagined. Conceptualized as a documentary on the ZUP buildings in France, the film has instead found form as poetic & expansive confrontation with the psychogeography of a contemporary Europe in crisis. A requiem for a city dreamt between its past and present.
La rouge et la noire
Carrying on Luc Moullets unfinished screenplay about the theft of la pénélope, a camera created by Aaton and capable of recording equally well in 35 mm and digitally, LA ROUGE ET LA NOIRE is a film in kaleidoscope form. The portrait of Aatons founder, Jean-Pierre Beauviala creator, inter alia, of the time-code and the light cameras used by the New Wave (in particular the bush camera specially designed for Jean Rouch) is centered around the basic plot introduced by two women thieves who talk as voice-overs, and whose identities will only be revealed at the end.